30 december 2011

Zadnjič letos


Zadnjič letos v prestolnici - sprehod pod lučkami, med stojnicami, ob reki. Fajn - kot vsako leto.
/ This year's last visit to the capital - a stroll under the lights, among the stalls, by the river. Nice - as every year.

Zadnjič letos kofetkanje v najboljši družbi. Z dobrotami, darilci, čvekom in smehom. Jaz sem mojim darilcem priložila te kvadratkaste voščilnice.
/ This year's last coffee meetings in the best company. With yummy snacks, presents, chat and laughs. My presents were accompanied by these square-shaped inchie cards.

Zadnjič letos čestitkanje - hitro naročilo rojstnodnevnih. Ko je narejena ena, jih zelo hitro lahko sledi še nekaj podobnih.
/ This year's last cardmaking session - a quick order for some birthday cards. When one is finished, a few more similar ones can follow easily.

Zadnjič letos fimanje. Nekaj preverjenih, nekaj eksperimentov.
/ This year's last fimo session. Some familiar ones, some experiments.

In kar nekaj kupčkov špagetkov. Za zvijanje polžkov - najverjetneje ob kakšnem filmu. V bistvu sem kar malo skeptična, če zapis "zadnjič letos fimanje" 100% drži :)
/ And quite some piles of spaghetti. To make coils - most likely while watching a film. I'm actually pretty skeptical whether the phrase "this year's last fimo session" is 100% accurate :)

Pa objava tudi ni zadnja. Obljubim.
/ And the post is not the last one neither. I promise.

Naj bo zadnji dan letošnjega leta takšen, kot ste načrtovali, ali pa naj vas še dodatno prijetno preseneti.
/ May the last day of this year be as you have planned it to be, or may it bring some additional pleasant surprises.
