21 april 2012

Ko se človek zave...

... da je v zadnjem letu ali dveh določene stvari prijel v roke samo takrat, ko jih je selil (iz predala v predal ali na drugi konec mesta), je čas za akcijo.

... that in the last couple of years, you handled certain things only while moving them (from one drawer to another or to the other side of the town), it is time to do something about it.

In sem se resno lotila izbiranja, fotkanja, pakiranja...
/ So I went and did some serious selecting, taking photos, packing...

In nastalo je tole. Ponujam vsem, ki "res nujno rabijo" :D
/ And this is what I've ended up with. I'm offering it all to those who "need this stuff really badly" :D

Zamenjam za Fimo.
/ In exchange for Fimo.

Podroben seznam s slikami in opisi najdete pod zavihkom "Zamenjava".
/ A detailed list with photos and descriptions can be found under the tab "Zamenjava".

Tokrat perlice in prtički. Še bo.
/ This time beads and napkins. There's more to come.
