04 december 2012

Polžki za na drevesce


Od zadnje škatle je ostala ravno dovolj velika ploskev, da sem lahko z modelčkom za kekse izrezala dve smrečici.
/ I had just enough material left after making the last box, so I took a cookie cutter and cut out two fir trees.

Imela sem pripravljeno tudi plahto v oranžnih, rdečih in roza tonih, pa sem dodala še krogce in zvezdice.
/ I also had another one ready - in orange, red and pink tones. Beside trees, I cut out some circles and stars.

Pa še eno pastelno. Tista, ki ni cela prekrita, mi je najbolj všeč.
/ The third one was in pastel tones. My personal favourite is the one that is not entirely covered.

Pa še eno pastelno s tankimi špagetki.
/ The spaghetti for the fourth one were in pastel tones as well, but thinner than in the previous three.

Luknjice za obešanje sem nekoliko zaščitila z obročki v ujemajočih barvah.
/ I protected the holes for hanging by inserting eyelets in matching colours.

Še ena skupinska, z "višinskih priprav" za prihajajočo soboto :)
/ Another group photo, taken during the "altitude preparation" for the upcoming Saturday :)
