Ko so dekleta na Izdelovalnici malih umetnin razpisale Valentinov poli swap, sem se brez kakršnegakoli pomisleka takoj prijavila. Seveda je bil moj srček polžkast, le da sem uporabila tanjše špagetke. Ima dve sprednji strani, roza kovinske "očke" za zaščito in okrasek luknjice in roza leseno perlo, da vrvice niso preveč svojeglave.
/ When the girls at a great Slovenian PC blog announced a St. Valentine's PC swap, I entered it without giving it much thought. Of course my heart was made of coils, but I decided to use thinner "spaghetti". It has two front sides, pink metal eyelets for protection and decoration of the hole and a pink wooden bead to keep the cords in place.

Prejemnica je že sporočila, da ji je všeč.
/ I've already received a note from the recipient - she says she likes it.
Jaz pa sem svojega novega, čisto čisto drugačnega, super kulskega, dobila od Sonče. Hvala še enkrat!
/ And I got mine, a totally different and super cool one, from Sonča. Thank you once again!

Tukaj pa so zbrani vsi lepotci.
/ And here you can see them all in one place.
- - -
Seveda pa nisem ostala samo pri enem roza polžkastem srčku...
/ But of course I didn't stop after the first pink coiled heart...
In ker je še vedno Valentinovo, ker ste tu in tam (FB) z navdušenjem in s prijaznimi komentarji spremljali moje polžke v različnih fazah, in ker sem ugotovila, da sem zadnja darilca delila lani oktobra, poleg vsega pa ima tale objava še okroglo številko 600,
/ And since it is still St. Valentine's Day, and as you were so thrilled and kept leaving such great comments on the development of my "coil-phase" both here and over there (FB), and as I've realised that I haven't been giving away any presents since last October, and beside all this, today's post is the 600th in the row,
podarjam tale srček
/ I am giving away this little heart

(isti je, samo s kovancem, za občutek velikosti)
/ (it is the same one, but with a coin, to see its size)

Če niste za nošenje srčka okoli vratu, je iz iste plahtice nastal tudi tale podolgovat. Tudi za podarit.
/ If you don't feel like wearing a heart around your neck, this taller one came from the same sheet. To be given away as well.

Če roza ni ravno vaša barva, dodajam še enega "metalik", malo večjega.
/ And if pink is not your colour, I'm adding another one, metallic and a bit larger.

In enega rjavo oranžnega, ki je nastal na delavnici na našem zadnjem srečanju ustvarjalk. - Tu so polžki debelejši :)
/ And a brown and orange one, from the workshop which took place at our last crafters' meeting. - The coils here are thicker :)

In še enega okroglega, modrega.
/ And one more, round and blue.

Vse, kar morate storiti za sodelovanje v žrebanju, je, da v komentarju pod to objavo ali v albumu na FB strani Moj ustvarjalni kotiček napišete, katerega želite. Lahko napišete enega, lahko dva, lahko vseh pet. Vaše želje bom upoštevala pri žrebanju, ki se bo zgodilo, ko v četrtek pridem s svoje prve fimo delavnice. Torej, čas za sodelovanje imate do četrtka, 16. februarja, do 19. ure.
/ All you have to do to participate is to leave a comment under this post or in the album at my FB site (Moj ustvarjalni kotiček) and write which one you would like to have. You can choose one, two or all five. Your wishes will be taken into account during drawing which will take place when I get back from my first fimo workshop on Thursday. So you have until Thursday, 16th February, 19:00 hours, to try your luck.