Petek in soboto sem preživela med pohajkovanjem po Parizu. (Kako nonšalantno sem to napisala - kot da sem vsak teden na drugem kontinentu...) Ampak je res. Moj dragi mravljinček je imel nekaj službenih opravkov, pa sva naredila tako, da sem šla z njim. In tako je bilo moje prvo srečanje s Parizom malo solo, malo v dvoje. In seveda s fotoaparatom. Poleg kupa fotografij znamenitosti, ki se jih najde v vsakem vodniku, se je znašlo tudi nekaj takih, ki čisto sodijo v to objavo.
/ I spent Friday and Saturday walking the streets of Paris. (How nonchalant I said that - as if I spent every other week on another continent...) But it's true. My dear hubby has some business errands, and he organised things for me to come along. So my first meeting with Paris was partly solo and partly with my DH. And with the camera of course. Beside a bunch of photos one can find in every tourist guide, there are also a few that actually belong in this post.
Najprej sprehod po Elizejskih poljanah
/ First of all, a stroll on Champs Élysées
in po parku Tuileries.
/ and in the Garden of Tuileries.
Nato Louvre. Štiri ure, sama. Fantazija.
/ Then Louvre. Four hours, by myself. Fabulous.
Po moje bi moral vsakdo Louvre doživeti sam. Vsaj jaz si ne predstavljam, da bi šla v skupini z vodičem. Ali pa z otroki. Meni so bile sobane in slike in kipi bili dovolj.
/ In my opinion, everyone should experience Louvre on their own. I cannot imagine walking around in a group with a guide. Or with the children. The halls and paintings and sculptures - it was all I needed.
In seveda sem šla po sledeh Da Vincijeve šifre :)
/ And of course I followed the trails of the Da Vinci Code :)
Ampak nisem slikala največjih umetnin. Slikala sem ljudi, kako slikajo Mono Lizo. In kako s slušalkami na ušesih poslušajo vodiča, ki jim pripoveduje o Miloški Veneri. In otroke, ki jih je učiteljica pripeljala gledat Rubensove portrete. Še bolj pa so me fascinirali najrazličnejši dekorativni predmeti, neskončno velike tapiserije, izrezljane skrinjice - pač stvari, za katere si lahko vsaj približno predstavljam, koliko ur, dni, tednov, let je nekomu vzelo, da jih je izdelal.
/ But I didn't take photos of the greatest works of art. Instead, I took a photo of people taking photos of Mona Lisa. And people with headphones on their ears, listening to the guide telling them about the Venus of Milos. And children who were brought to the museum by their teacher to see portraits painted by Rubens. But I was even more fascinated by various decorative objects, endlessly large tapestries, carved caskets - well, the things for which I can vaguely imagine how many hours, days, weeks, years it took the people to make them.
Tale je z Montmartra.
/ This one's from Montmartre.
Tale je iz Notre Dame.
/ This one's from Notre Dame.
Tale je iz ene od pasaž.
/ This one's from one of the passages.
Metro je že sam po sebi fascinanten - razsežnost in hkrati enostavnost sistema (moraš biti popolnoma funkcionalno nepismen, če ti ne potegne), da ne govorim o hitrosti in zanesljivosti. In toliko različnih ljudi vidiš - toliko lepih ljudi! In toliko različnih jezikov slišiš.
No, potem pa naletiš še na takšen pisan vhod na eno od postaj.
/ The Metro itself is fascinating - its size and its simplicity (you have to be totally functionally illiterate if you don't get it how it works), not to mention its speed and reliability. And you get to see so many different people - so many beautiful people! And you get to hear so many different languages.
And you can also come across such a colourful entrance to the one of the stations.
Pisano igrišče v bazenčku pri centru Pompidou.
/ Colourful playground in a little pool next to the Pompidou Centre.
Stojnica z rožami (sigurno bo vsaka prej ali slej opazila, kako neugledne so "vaze"...)
/ A flower stand (sooner or later, everyone will probably notice the shabby "vases"...)
En fajn porisan... saj sploh ne vem, kaj.
/ Cool drawings on... I don't know what it was.
Pa ena dekliška izložba.
/ A girly window shop.
In izložba, ki ti da idejo, kaj narediti, če se ti slučajno nabere okoli tristo starih šivalnih strojev - takih izložb, kot je ta na sliki, ima ta trgovina vsaj šest.
/ And a window shop to give you an idea what to do if you accidentally end up with three hundred antique sewing machines - the shop has at least six windows like this one.
No, čisto brez znamenitosti ne bo šlo. Eno sliko pariškega važiča bom vseeno objavila - na mravljinčkovo željo. Ko sva se spuščala z vrha, so ravno prižgali luči, ki ga osvetljujejo ponoči, nebo pa še ni bilo čisto temno.
/ Well, this post won't be totally without sights after all. I'll show you one photo of the "Parisian handsome guy" - at my DH's request. When we were descending from the top, the lights that illuminate the tower at night just went on, and the sky wasn't totally dark yet.
Ja, saj slišim. ("Kaj si pa kupila?") Zelo malo:
- En lonček za kavo - takega sem pred leti dobila od mojega svaka, ki za vse nas vedno najde najbolj kulska darila. Pa sem ga, kofetarca, kakršna sem, uspela uničit, in pri nas ga več nisem našla.
- Magnetek za na hladilnik za mojega ata.
- Krožniček za sosedo od Keti.
/ Yeah, I can hear you. ("What did you buy?") Not much:
- A coffee maker - I got one just like this years ago from my brother-in-law who always gets us the coolest presents. But, being such a heavy coffee drinker, I managed to break it and I couldn't find a new one.
- A fridge magnet for my dad.
- A little souvenir plate for Keti's neighbour.