Tale srčkana gospodičnica se je po vseh dogodivščinah danes prisprehodila do mene. /
This cute little miss finally found her way to my place today - after all her adventures.
To je namreč Sarika na voščilnici, ki je bila v swapu namenjena meni. Pa se je prva voščilnica izgubila in je bila moja swapika tako prijazna, da mi je naredila in poslala novo. /
Namely, this is Sarah that was intended for me in our swap. But the first card got lost and my swap buddy was so sweet that she made and sent me another one.
Čestitka je obenem tudi koledarček - lahko se jo postavi na mizo, zgoraj desno pa je žepek, v katerega se vstavi majhen mesec. Srčkano! Pa vsi dodatki in podrobnosti! /
The card is at the same time a calender - it can be put upright on the table, and in the upper right corner, there is a little pocket where you can slip in a little month. Cute! And all the add-ons and details!
Tukaj pa je še bonbonček, ki sem ga dobila od organizatorke swapa - za tolažbo, ker nisem dobila svoje voščilnice, čeprav mi jo je copatek poslala. A niso te punce prijazne? (copatek, tale bonbonček bom delila s teboj.) /
And here is the candy I got from the girl who organised the swap - as a consolation because I didn't get my card as though copatek had sent it to me. Aren't these girls sweet? (copatek, I'm going to share this candy with you.)
Pa še nekaj bonbončkov. /
And a few more candies.
Te srčkaste razcepkice in netki so bili moj prvi nakup v pravljični trgovinici Memories v Celju. /
These cute little brads and eyelets were my first purchase in a little fairy-tale shop in Celje called Memories.
In tole je moj "plen" s sejma v Vicenzi. Dvajset lepih papirjev, dve štanci...
And this is my "catch" from the fair in Vicenza. Twenty beautiful papers, two punches...
... štempiljke (jelenčki na saneh, zajčki in sovice, pa še črkice v krogcih, ki sem se jih že lotila in črke izrezala iz sredine - tako jih bo lažje kombinirati)... /
... stamps (reindeers on the sleigh, little bunnies and owls, and letters in circles, which I already cut out from the centres so that it will be easier to combine them) ...
... štiri pastelne blazinice in trije kompletki lepljivih črkic. /
... four pastel ink pads and three sets of sticky letters.mravljica