31 december 2007
Novoletni sklepi
V novem letu želim:
:: ohraniti ta moj blogec živ in aktiven
:: objavljati, kolikor pogosto se bo dalo
:: še naprej ustvarjati zase in za druge
:: osrečevati svoje bližnje z majhnimi pozornostmi
:: poskusiti še kakšno novo tehniko
:: navezati stike z drugimi ustvarjalnimi dušami
:: pa še marsikaj, ampak vsega pa tudi (še) ne povem.
Čaroben skok v novo leto vam želim!
In the new year, I wish to:
:: keep this my little blog alive and active
:: post as often as I can
:: keep creating for myself and for the others
:: make my loved ones with small tokens of apreciation
:: try out some new techniques
:: make contact with other creative souls out there
:: and much more, but I can't tell you everything (yet).
I wish you all a wonderful leap into the new year!
30 december 2007
28 december 2007
Gremo se sankat
27 december 2007
Za "jeans generacijo"
Šele ko sem dokončala tole voščilnico, sem opazila, da je takšna, kot bi bila narejena iz jeansa. In mi je bila všeč. Zanjo sem uporabila moder karton, srebrne nalepke (darila in srčki v vogalih) in srebrno pisalo za "šive". Za dobre novoletne ali pa rojstnodnevne želje...
It was only after I finished this card when I noticed that it looked like it was made of jeans. And I liked it. I used some blue cardstock, silver stickers (the presents and hearts in the corners) and a silver pen for the "stitches". For good New Year's or birthday wishes...
25 december 2007
Dišavnice po moje
Iz cimetovih paličic sem naredila majhne svečnike in drevesca z zvezdastim janežem na vrhu. Naravno, dekorativno, pa še diši lepo. Samo še pomaranče z nageljnovimi žbicami moram postaviti zraven.
Nadvse lep in miren dan vam želim.
I made some small candle holders using some cinnamon sticks, and then I used them to make some little trees, with a star anise on top. It is natural, decorative and it smells just fine. Now I only need to add some oranges with cloves.
Have a beautiful and peaceful day.
24 december 2007
Zadnji dve pred božičem
Kako hitro gredo dnevi v tem mesecu! Pa sem mislila, da bom uspela objaviti več. No, dan pred božičem objavljam še dve voščilnici iz mojega kupčka božičnih. Še nekaj novoletnih bo, če bom ob vsem dogajanju v teh zadnjih letošnjih dneh sploh prišla do računalnika.
The days are passing by so fast in this month! And yet I thought I would be able to post more often. Well, on the day before Christmas, I am posting two more examples from my pile of this year's Christmas cards. There will be some posts of my "Happy New Year" cards, if I can make it to the computer at all, with so much going on in these last days of the year.
18 december 2007
Malo "reklame"
Tale "veseli pladenjček" sem pred kratkim odnesla v mojo najljubšo trgovino v Ljubljano, ki je vedno eden od glavnih, če ne čisto glavni cilj, kadarkoli pridem v Ljubljano. So bili prijetno presenečeni in veseli - sporočili so mi, da so ga vsi občudovali, zdaj pa ga imajo pri glavni blagajni. Decembrsko vzdušje...
I took this "merry little plate" to my favorite shop in Ljubljana a few days ago. The shop is one of my main, if not the most important, destinations whenever I come to Ljubljana. The people in the shop were pleasantly surprised and glad to get it - they e-mailed me that it was admired by everyone and now they've got it at the main cashier. December spirit...
14 december 2007
majhnih prinašalcev sreče je nastalo v eni od mojih "Fimo ur".
Njihova velikost? Poglejte mojo objavo z dne 22.11. Luškani, kajne?
Le kaj bi rekel gospod Orwell...
little good-luck-bringers came out of one of my recent "Fimo hours".
Their size? Check my post from 22nd November. Cute, aren't they?
I wonder what Mr Orwell would say...
10 december 2007
03 december 2007
01 december 2007
Za dober namen
Moj prispevek za današnji darilni bazar, ki se dogaja v našem mestu.
Servietna tehnika na ploščicah, velikih 10x10 cm, na spodnji strani pa pluta. In ko srkaš vroč čaj, te podstavek spominja na morje...
My contribution to the "bazaar" that is taking place in our town today.
Decoupage technique on tiles of 10x10 cm, and a layer of cork on the bottom-side. And while you are sipping some hot tea, the "saucer" reminds you of the seaside...
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