29 april 2008
Še ena cvetlična
Preprosto reciklirana iz papirnate darilne vrečke: določila sem pravi izrez za ozadje, izbrala še glavni motiv, mu dodala okvirček, pa še dva trakca - končano.
Simply recycled from a paper gift bag: I set the correct section for the background, chose the main motive, added a frame and two ribbons - finished.
27 april 2008
Malo bolj svečana
26 april 2008
Še ena z vazo
Sem imela fazo za vaze - naredila sem si nekaj šablon različnih oblik vaz, dve od njih sta na včerajšnji in današnji voščilnici. Ko sem delala tole rdečo, se mi je sama veja v vazi zdela čisto dovolj in sem nekaj časa celo oklevala, ali naj sploh dodajam cvetove. No, na koncu sem jih dodala, skupaj z rdečimi kamenčki.
I had a "vase phase" - I made some vase templates, and two of them are on yesterday's and today's card. When I was making this red one, the branch itself in the vase seemd quite enough and I even hesitated for I while whether to add any blossoms at all. Well, I did in the end, together with some red crystals.
25 april 2008
23 april 2008
22 april 2008
No, vrtnarke ste se verjetno uspeli nagledati za celo leto...
Pa gremo naprej. Dolg premor je bil, zopet delno zaradi preobilice drugih stvari in delno zaradi pomanjkanja inspiracije, v zadnjem navalu idej in volje (včeraj) pa je spet nastal en lep kupček. Pa sem se uspela zadržati, da objavljam samo eno (čeprav sem se hotela malo oddolžiti za pretekle tri tedne), in ostale hranim za prihodnje "sušne dni".
Well, you've probably had enough of that gardener for a whole year...
And we go on now. It was a long pause, again because of too many other things on one hand and too little inspiration on the other, but in the recent (yesterday) "splash" of ideas and zeal, I created a nice set of cards again. And I managed to stop myself from posting more than one (even though I wanted to - for the past three weeks' sake), so I'm saving the rest for another "dry season".
01 april 2008
Danes je...
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