I CHOSE TO PUT THEM TOGETHER FIRSTKose iz prejšnje objave namreč. In zdaj imam kar nekaj za pokazat. /
The pieces from the previous post namely. And I've got quite some things to show now.Najprej mehurčki. Enkrat lani sem jih videla pri
Petri. Pa jih nisem šla takoj preizkušat tudi sama. Šele letos spomladi sem naredila en rdeče-zelen poskus.
First of all, bubbles. I saw them last year at Petra's blog, but I didn't go and try them myself right away. I made my first piece (red and green) this spring.
Moji mehurčki se od Petrinih razlikujejo po tem, da so vse večje kroglice polovične, pa tudi pri kombiniranju barv nisem tako drzna. /
The difference between my and Petra's bubbles is that I cut all larger balls in half and I tend to use less colours in one combination.V tokratni rundi so bile štiri. /
There were four of them this time.belo-sivo-črna /
white, grey and black
belo-sivo-rdeča /
white, grey and red
belo-modra /
white and blue
oranžno-rjava (eno takšno sem že naredila, pa mi je ostalo namešanih barv ravno dovolj še za eno) /
orange and brown (I made one like this before, and I had just enough fimo left for another one)
