* Vir:
Design Seeds*
Source: Design SeedsKoličine materiala za preselit - nepojmljivo
Zavedanje, da cela familija nosi po stopnicah navzgor vse, kar sem v zadnjih letih "nujno rabila" - postane človeka kar precej sram
Premik v mišljenju do faze "ne rabim" - osvobajajoče
Zavedanje, da v zelo bližnji prihodnosti ne bo več kupov, škatel, začasnih rešitev pomanjkanja prostora - postane človek kar vzhičen
Bele in prazne stene, omarice in police z minimalnim "okrasjem" - očiščujoče za dušo
Načrtno ožji nabor barv in materialov - pomirjujoče
Zavedanje, da bodo komentarji: "A slik pa ne boste imeli nobenih? / Nič kaj preveč domačno ni, je preveč prazno. / Meni ne deluje ravno kot dom. / A vam je res fajn tako?" - bodo šli mimo mene... verjetno do tistih, ki jih to morda dejansko gane
Zavedanje, da bom deležna tudi kakšne zamere, ker kar nekaj časa ne bom izobešala in razstavljala spominkov in darilc - če se komu zaradi tega zdi vredno gojiti zamero, naj kar izvoli.
Zavedanje, da bom zaradi tega verjetno razglašena za še bolj čudno - Pa kaj!
Quantities of stuff to be moved - unfathomable
Awareness that the entire family is carrying up the stairs everything I "really needed" in the past few years - pretty embarrassing
A shift in mentality to the level "I don't need it" - liberating
Awareness that in the very near future, there will be no more piles, boxes, temporary solutions to the lack of space - pretty exhilarating
White and empty walls, cabinets and shelves with minimum "decoration" - purifying to the soul
The range of colours and materials deliberately kept narrow - soothing
Awareness that there will be comments such as: "You won't be having any pictures? / Not very homely, it's just too empty. / Doesn't really feel like a home to me. / Do you really like it this way?" - will go straight pass me... probably to those who might actually bother
Awareness that some people will probably resent me for not putting on display any souvenirs and gifts for quite some time - if anybody feels it is worth resenting, they should feel free to do so
Awareness that this will probably cause some people to think of me as even weirder that up to now - So what!