28 marec 2013

Porabljeni polžki - prvič


Prva je okrogla škatlica od bonbonov s hrapavo oblekico.
Malo mi deluje, kot če bi polžke s kredami narisala na omet :)

The first project is a round candy box covered in Fimo with coarse surface.
It looks to me as if I had used coloured chalks to draw the coils on the plaster :)

- pripravljena plahtica za pokrov
- pokrov od zgoraj
- pokrov od strani
- "venček" po robu
- zaprta
- namesto podpisa - še en polžek na dnu

- finished sheet for the lid
- the lid - view from top
- the lid - side view
- "a wreath" around the side wall
- closed box
- instead of signature - another coil at the bottom


26 marec 2013

Štirikrat koristno


1. Kup fimo ostankov se manjša.
2. Zvijanje špagetkov pomirja.
3. Barve sicer niso kričeče živahne, ampak vseeno bolj pomladne kot belina zunaj.
4. Ravno prav bodo prišli za naslednje rojstnodnevno darilo (ali dve).

1. The pile of Fimo scraps is getting smaller.
2. Rolling of coils is soothing.
3. The colours are not screaming vivid though, but still more spring-like than all the whiteness outside.
4. They will be just perfect for the next birthday present (or two).


17 marec 2013

Spravljanje v red


Po treh mesecih sem odprla fimo kovček.
V treh mesecih sem uspela pozabiti, kaj je ostalo po decembrskih delavnicah.
Takrat sem še mislila, da mi bodo pisane kepe še naprej v izziv.

After three months I opened my fimo case.
In three months I managed to forget what was left after the December workshops.
Back then, I thought that the multi-coloured blobs would still be a challenge.

Pa sem ugotovila, da bo še največ koristi od enobarvnih plahtic.
Zato sem najbolj očitne enobarvne kose umaknila, ostalo pa razsortirala in nekaj kupčkov zvaljala.

But it has become clear that monochromatic sheets will be of greatest benefit.
So I picked out the obvious pieces of original colours, combined the rest and rolled them with my pasta machine.

Edino, kar je ostalo pisano, je bila ena runda špagetkov.

The only thing that was left in several colours was one batch of spaghetti.

Materiala je še za par takih seans. In mogoče se do takrat, ko bo ves fimo v obvladljivi obliki, vrne tudi inspiracija.
Bo treba še kaj spraviti v red, ne samo fimo ...

I still have enough scraps for a few more sessions. And maybe, by the time all the Fimo is in a manageable form, the inspiration will return.
Apart from Fimo, there are some other things that also need straightening out ...