Čokoladke so bile nabavljene pravočasno. In dvajset minut pred odhodom od doma še vedno takšne, kot so prišle iz trgovine. In čeprav so bile namenjene samo kot "glej, spomnila sem se na tvoj praznik", sem jih hotela predati vsaj nekoliko zapakirane.
The chocolate bars were bought on time. But twenty minutes before leaving, they were still in their original packaging. And even if they were meant only as "look, I remembered it's your day today", I wanted to wrap them at least a little bit.Izbrat karton / Picking cardstock - 1 min
Odrezat in prepognit (po merah čokoladic) /
Cutting, scoring, folding (according to the size of the chocolate bars) - 4 min 30 s
Zlepit /
Gluing together - 50 s
Poiskat ustrezen vzorčast papir /
Picking appropriate patterned paper - 3 min
Odrezat in prilepit -
Cutting and adheiring - 15 s
Poiskat trakec /
Finding the ribbon - 30 s
Prilepit in zavezat /
Adhering and tying the ribbon - 1 min 5 s
Poiskat vse za štempljanje /
Finding everything for stamping - 30 s (še dobro, da je vsaj pri štampiljkah vedno vse na mestu /
at least all my stamping stuff is always in place)
Odtisnit miškota / Stamping the mouse-guy - 10 s
Pobarvat miškota / Colouring the mouse-guy - 1 min
Prilepit na škatlo / Adhere to the box - 10 s

Vstavit čokoladke /
Putting the chocolate bars in the box - 5 s
Pogledat, če je OK /
Checking if it's OK - 10 s
Pofotkat /
Taking a photo - 40 s

Pripravljena! ( Mizo bom pospravila, ko pridem domov. Ne, čakaj, štampiljke in blazinice bom pa takoj pospravila.) /
Ready to go! (I'll clean the table when I get back. No, wait, let me just put the stamps and inkpads back.)In je bilo darilo vseeno malo drugačno.
And the present was a little different after all.