16 junij 2010

Za eno malo deklico


Atijevi sodelavci se bodo danes podpisali v tole vozičkasto in pentljasto voščilnico.
/ Her Daddy's colleagues will sign this baby-pram-and-baby-bow-card today.


15 junij 2010

Turbo uhančkanje


Včeraj me je kolegica vprašala: "A uhanov imaš kaj?" Imela sem en par. Za danes pa sva bili dogovorjeni, da ji prinesem pokazat "mojo škatlo" (tisto z nakitom). Zato sem danes zjutraj, potem ko sem oddala prevod, šla preizkusit, koliko parov uhanov bom naredila v treh urah.
/ Yesterday, a freind asked me if I had any earrings. I had one pair. And she wanted me to show her "my box" (the one with the jewelry) today. So today, in the morning, after I finished my translation, I went to try how many pairs of earrings I'd make in three hours.

Tu so rezultati. / Here are the results.

Sicer dlje kot do žičk, obročkov in najrazličnejših perlic in kamenčkov danes nisem prišla, ampak imam na računalniku nekaj strani z idejami še odprtih, da ne govorim o tistih, ki sem jih včeraj stresla na papir medtem ko sem v glasbeni šoli čakala mravljičico.
/ I didn't get much further than wires, rings, beads and chips this time, but I've got a few more pages with ideas open on my computer, not to mention the ideas I scribbled on a piece of paper yesterday while I was in the music school, waiting for my daughter.

Uhani so bili poslikani zelo na hitro, ker so šli še vroči od doma.
/ The photos were taken quite in a hurry, as I was already leaving for my meeting.
Fajn je bilo. / It felt good.


14 junij 2010

Malo besed (8)


Dve rožici in ena hiška.
/ Two flowers and a little house.


13 junij 2010

Malo besed (7)


Za danes tri modro-zelene.
/ Three blue and green ones for today.


11 junij 2010

Malo besed (6)


Danes objavljam dve brez "recepta".
/ Today I'm posting two pendants I made without following any "recipes".

Še nekaj jih imam za pokazat, mene pa že vleče naprej, v druge vode...
/ I've got some more to show, but I'm already eager to move on, in some other direction...


09 junij 2010

Ekstra super na hitrco


Čokoladke so bile nabavljene pravočasno. In dvajset minut pred odhodom od doma še vedno takšne, kot so prišle iz trgovine. In čeprav so bile namenjene samo kot "glej, spomnila sem se na tvoj praznik", sem jih hotela predati vsaj nekoliko zapakirane.
/ The chocolate bars were bought on time. But twenty minutes before leaving, they were still in their original packaging. And even if they were meant only as "look, I remembered it's your day today", I wanted to wrap them at least a little bit.

Izbrat karton / Picking cardstock - 1 min
Odrezat in prepognit (po merah čokoladic) / Cutting, scoring, folding (according to the size of the chocolate bars) - 4 min 30 s
Zlepit / Gluing together - 50 s

Poiskat ustrezen vzorčast papir / Picking appropriate patterned paper - 3 min
Odrezat in prilepit - Cutting and adheiring - 15 s

Poiskat trakec / Finding the ribbon - 30 s
Prilepit in zavezat / Adhering and tying the ribbon - 1 min 5 s

Poiskat vse za štempljanje / Finding everything for stamping - 30 s (še dobro, da je vsaj pri štampiljkah vedno vse na mestu / at least all my stamping stuff is always in place)
Odtisnit miškota / Stamping the mouse-guy - 10 s
Pobarvat miškota / Colouring the mouse-guy - 1 min
Prilepit na škatlo / Adhere to the box - 10 s

Vstavit čokoladke / Putting the chocolate bars in the box - 5 s
Pogledat, če je OK / Checking if it's OK - 10 s

Pofotkat / Taking a photo - 40 s

Pripravljena! ( Mizo bom pospravila, ko pridem domov. Ne, čakaj, štampiljke in blazinice bom pa takoj pospravila.) / Ready to go! (I'll clean the table when I get back. No, wait, let me just put the stamps and inkpads back.)

In je bilo darilo vseeno malo drugačno.
/ And the present was a little different after all.


08 junij 2010

Za evolucijo ni potrebno veliko


Rabimo bel karton in tiskalnik (črnobel zadostuje).
/ All we need is white cardstock and a printer (a black and white one will do).

Rezalnik papirja.
/ A paper cutter.

Luknjač (deluje tudi z navadnim - pisarniškim) in škarje.
/ A paper punch (an ordinary office punch works just fine as well) and scissors.

Prozorne celofanske vrečke - moje so od tod in so res krasne.
/ Cellophane clear bags - mine are from here and are really great.

Celotni vtis pa je neprimerno boljši. (Dokončno zapiranje še sledi.)
/ The overall impression is so much better. (Final sealing still to come.)


06 junij 2010

Malo besed (5)


Še tri objavim v tej rundi, potem pa bo menda spet kaj več časa, da spet kaj ustvarim ali kaj več napišem...
/ Three more in this round, and they I hope I'll have some more time again, to make some new things or write a longer post...

Odtis vejice ciprese, fimo prahec, trije hematitni obročki.
/ Pressed cypress twig, fimo powder, three hematite beads.

Odtis štampiljke na razvaljan bel fimo, povaljano z grobim brusnim papirjem.
/ Stamped image on rolled-out white fimo, texture made with coarse sanding paper.

Variacija na že videno.
/ I've done something similar before.

Lepo nedeljo želim
/ Have a nice Sunday


04 junij 2010

Malo besed (4)


Še en kos, ki sem ga naredila v isti rundi kot polžke iz prve junijske objave. Tokrat broška.
Navodilo sem našla tu, in tudi ostali izdelki te umetnice so mi neznansko všeč.

/ Another piece I made in the same session as the necklace I showed in my post on 1st June.
This time it's a brooch.

I found the tutorial here, and I immensely like the rest of the artist's work as well.


03 junij 2010

Malo besed (3)


Mica shift. Prvič, da mi je uspelo tako, da sem res zadovoljna z rezultatom. Pa čisto brez brušenja.

/ Mica shift. It's the first time that I'm really satisfied with the outcome. And with no sanding whatsoever.


02 junij 2010

Malo besed (2)


Še eni frtajčki. S kamenčki iz domače zaloge.
V bistvu je kar malo grozljivo, kaj vse se najde v domači zalogi...

Another set of swirlies. With chips from my home stash.
It's actually quite scary to think of the quantity and variety of things in my home stash...


01 junij 2010

Malo besed

Čisto brez besed se ne obnese. Preverjeno v aprilu. Zato bo junijska serija z malo drugačnim naslovom. Da vseeno lahko pripišem stavek ali dva.


Total absence of words doesn't work. As seen in April. Therefore, the June series will have a little bit different title. So that I'll be able to add a sentence or two after all.

Polžke sem naredila že pred časom, sestavila pa sem jih v nedeljo, med gledanjem Wallandra.
/ I made these some time ago, and I put them together on Sunday, while watching Wallander.

(vir: www.digital-tv.co.uk)
