Včeraj me je kolegica vprašala: "A uhanov imaš kaj?" Imela sem en par. Za danes pa sva bili dogovorjeni, da ji prinesem pokazat "mojo škatlo" (tisto z nakitom). Zato sem danes zjutraj, potem ko sem oddala prevod, šla preizkusit, koliko parov uhanov bom naredila v treh urah.
/ Yesterday, a freind asked me if I had any earrings. I had one pair. And she wanted me to show her "my box" (the one with the jewelry) today. So today, in the morning, after I finished my translation, I went to try how many pairs of earrings I'd make in three hours.
Tu so rezultati. / Here are the results.
Sicer dlje kot do žičk, obročkov in najrazličnejših perlic in kamenčkov danes nisem prišla, ampak imam na računalniku nekaj strani z idejami še odprtih, da ne govorim o tistih, ki sem jih včeraj stresla na papir medtem ko sem v glasbeni šoli čakala mravljičico.
/ I didn't get much further than wires, rings, beads and chips this time, but I've got a few more pages with ideas open on my computer, not to mention the ideas I scribbled on a piece of paper yesterday while I was in the music school, waiting for my daughter.
Uhani so bili poslikani zelo na hitro, ker so šli še vroči od doma.
/ The photos were taken quite in a hurry, as I was already leaving for my meeting.
Fajn je bilo. / It felt good.