Se mi zdi, da je za decembrom in junijem september najbolj natrpan mesec v letu. V vseh pogledih. Pa še takšne stvari se zadnje čase spravljam delat, da dolgo traja, da nastane kaj za objavit, oziroma moram počakat, da jih predam tistim, ki so jim namenjene. Zato je pač objav bolj malo.
It seems to me that beside December and June, September is the busiest month of the year. In all aspects. And furthermore, I seem to do only such things that take a little longer to make or I have to wait until I give them away and post them here. Therefore I don't make as many posts here as I would like to.
Nekaj trikotničkov pa nastane kar tako sproti. Je fajn, da grejo vse potrebščine v eno malo škatlico in ni treba imet nastlane cele sobe, da bi nekaj nastalo :) Trenutno jih delam kar tako, za preizkušanje in na zalogo, in jih še ne obešam na vrvice, ker bom malo tudi upoštevala želje.
But I still manage to make some of these. It's really great that everything I need to make them fits in one little box so I don't have to occupy the entire room to make somenthing :) At the moment, I'm making them just so, to try out the patterns and make a stash, and I haven't been hanging them on the cord, as I intend to do it according to wishes and requests.Vzorček/
Pattern:čisto malo sem ga spremenila /
I altered it slightly)