Saj mi ne boste zamerili, če pokažem iz vseh strani, kajne?
I hope you won't mind if I show it to you from all sides.Stoje - vse naokrog
Standing up - round and round

Leže - da se vidita pokrov in dno
Lying down - showing the top and the bottom

Od zgoraj
From above
Od blizu - pikice, moja terapija (zame bolje kot joga, tai-chi, transcedentalna meditacija, gong kopel, vroči kamni, šoping ali čokolada...)
Close-up - little dots, my therapy (beats yoga, tai-chi, transcendental meditation, gong bath, hot stones, shopping or chocolate...) 
Ja, seveda me že mika, da bi šla delat naslednjo. Ampak je še nekaj stvari na seznamu pred njo...
Yes, of course I'm tempted to start another one. But there are a few other things on the list that have to be done before that...Nataša
*1: Ja, nedvomno sem bolj zadovoljna s to kot s
prejšnjo (prvo).
*1: Yes, I'm definitely more satisfied with this one than with the previous (first) one.*2:
Klavdija je "kriva" ;)
*2: It's Klavdija's "fault" ;)