Lahko bi jih brusila, polirala, lakirala, vrtala...
Pa ne bom.
Pustila jih bom takšne, kot so. Kamenčkaste, bonbončkaste.
/ I could sand, buff, polish, drill them...
But I won't.
I'll leave them as they are. Pebble-like, candy-like.
Lahko bi si izmišljevala zgodbice, kako blagodejno bodo vplivali na ne-vem-kaj, če jih bomo dovolj dolgo opazovali, jih nosili v pravem žepu ali jim govorili prave besede.
Pa ne bom.
Rekla bom samo, da je neizmerno fajn potopiti roko mednje, jih malo premešati in pogledati.
/ I could make up stories how beneficiently they will affect I-don't-know-what if we watch them long enough, carry them in the right pocket or speak the right words to them.
But I won't.
I'll just say that it feels incredibly great to sink your hand in the bowl with them, stir them a bit and take al look at them.
Ker so taki kot mi... eni zanimivi, drugi malo manj. Eni morski, drugi ognjeni. Eni večplastni, drugi plitvi. Eni mavrični, drugi temačni. Eni petelinasti, drugi krotki.
Vsem pa je skupno to, da je vsak zase drugačen in neponovljiv.
/ Because they are just like us... some are interesting, the others a little less. Some are ocean-like, the others are fiery. Some seem to have several layers, the others are shallow. Some are like rainbows, the others are dark. Some are cocky, the others are tame.
But they all have one thing in common - each of them is different and unrepeatable.
In če vas zanima, kakšni so v živo in kakšen je občutek, ko jih je polna dlan, pridite v soboto mimo moje stojnice :)
/ And if you would like to know what they look like in real life and how it feels to have your hand filled with them, come by my stall on Saturday :)