Tudi ti dve sem potegnila iz globin nedokončanih stvari, kjer sta obtičali po lanskem poletnem dopustu.
I pulled these two from the depths of unfinished stuff where they got stuck after last year's summer holiday.

Idejo za prvo je dala V. - sicer je ona imela v mislih manjše perlice in trojne obročke, jaz pa sem lani na morje vzela samo škatlo s temi lesenimi. Pa sem jih nekaj namešala, nizala po 50, vsakič zvila in napeljala skozi predhodni člen.
I got the idea for the first one from V. - she had smaller beads and triple rings in mind though, but the only thing I took to the seaside last year was the box with these wooden beads. So I mixed together some colours, made strings of 50, rolled and tied them together, leading them through the previous one each time.

Danes sem dodala še nekaj členov in poskrila konce nitk.
Today I added the last few rings and hid all the threads.

Druga je enobarvna in kvačkana.
The second one is crocheted, made of beads of one colour.

Se mi zdi, da bi za kvačkanje tudi naključna barvna mešanica prav imenitno izpadla.
I think a random colour mix would work out just fine for crocheting.