24 februar 2013

Dve leseni


Tudi ti dve sem potegnila iz globin nedokončanih stvari, kjer sta obtičali po lanskem poletnem dopustu.
I pulled these two from the depths of unfinished stuff where they got stuck after last year's summer holiday.

Idejo za prvo je dala V. - sicer je ona imela v mislih manjše perlice in trojne obročke, jaz pa sem lani na morje vzela samo škatlo s temi lesenimi. Pa sem jih nekaj namešala, nizala po 50, vsakič zvila in napeljala skozi predhodni člen.
I got the idea for the first one from V. - she had smaller beads and triple rings in mind though, but the only thing I took to the seaside last year was the box with these wooden beads. So I mixed together some colours, made strings of 50, rolled and tied them together, leading them through the previous one each time.

Danes sem dodala še nekaj členov in poskrila konce nitk.
Today I added the last few rings and hid all the threads.

Druga je enobarvna in kvačkana.
The second one is crocheted, made of beads of one colour.

Se mi zdi, da bi za kvačkanje tudi naključna barvna mešanica prav imenitno izpadla.
I think a random colour mix would work out just fine for crocheting.


23 februar 2013



Iz posamičnih stekleničk, v katerih je premalo enakih perlic za samostojne projekte, na zasnežen večer (ni pogoj, ampak je fajn) v skledico natresemo precejšnjo količino, premešamo v "juho" in nanizamo. Nekaj metrov.
On a snowy evening (not necessarily, but it's quite fun), we take little bottles containing beads that are not sufficient for entire projects, we empty them in a bowl, mix everything into a "soup" and string them. A few meters.

Vzamemo pet nizov in en fimo obesek, ki je dolgo ležal v škatli brez pravega namena. Očitno je čakal na te perlice.
We take five strings and one Fimo pendant that had been lying in the box without a real purpose. It's been obviously waiting for these beads.

Sponka ni potrebna.
No need for a clasp.

Preostanek zložimo na pravo dolžino in dodamo sponko.
The rest we fold to get just the right length and add a clasp.

Za dodatek učinek lahko pred spenjanjem nekajkrat zvijemo.
For an additional effect, we can spin the entire bunch a few times before clasping it together.


20 februar 2013

Malo drugačen...



... scarf

Je bil tudi dolgo na seznamu "Za dokončat".
Poleg tega sem naredila še enega kuštravega, dokončala ta dva, ki sta na koncu zrasla do 180 cm, in ene čisto najbolj navadne grelčke...

It had been on the to-be-finished list for quite some time. Apart from that, I made another shaggy one, finished these two which ended up to be 180 cm long, and a pair of the plainest wristwarmers...


18 februar 2013

Ena s seznama nedokončanih


V škatli z Delica perlicami je bila tudi ena nedokončana kvačkanka.
Velikost perlic 10/0 (vse ostale, s katerimi delam, so nekoliko manjše - 11/0).
Še približno 10% je bilo treba nakvačkati, potem sem pa poskusila, če bi se jo slučajno dalo "pregovoriti" na spominsko žico.

In the box where I keep Delica beads, I found an unfinished crocheted string.
Bead size 10/0 (all the others I work with are a bit smaller - 11/0).
I had about 10 percent left to make, and then I tried if I could "persuade" it to fit around some memory wire.

Malo se je upirala, ampak rezultat je bil čisto ok.
There was some resistance, but the result was quite satisfactory.

Na vsako stran sem dodala še rožast zaključek in majhen hematitni valjček.
I added a flower cap and a little hematite cylinder to each end.


17 februar 2013

Čisto malo več kot nič


Ustvarjanja. Dva pingvinčka - za dva vratka. In za test, če še znam z Delica perlicami.
Crafting. Two little penguings - for two little necks. And to see if I still can work with Delica beads.

In besed. Kot že nekaj časa.
And words. Like for some time now.
