18 februar 2013

Ena s seznama nedokončanih


V škatli z Delica perlicami je bila tudi ena nedokončana kvačkanka.
Velikost perlic 10/0 (vse ostale, s katerimi delam, so nekoliko manjše - 11/0).
Še približno 10% je bilo treba nakvačkati, potem sem pa poskusila, če bi se jo slučajno dalo "pregovoriti" na spominsko žico.

In the box where I keep Delica beads, I found an unfinished crocheted string.
Bead size 10/0 (all the others I work with are a bit smaller - 11/0).
I had about 10 percent left to make, and then I tried if I could "persuade" it to fit around some memory wire.

Malo se je upirala, ampak rezultat je bil čisto ok.
There was some resistance, but the result was quite satisfactory.

Na vsako stran sem dodala še rožast zaključek in majhen hematitni valjček.
I added a flower cap and a little hematite cylinder to each end.
