17 maj 2013

Mavrice. Cela zgodba


Čas je že bil, da svojo zadnjo mavrično dogodivščino, o kateri sem po korakih sproti poročala v FB kotičku, strnem v eno objavo.
It's about time for me to take the bits of my latest rainbow adventure that were shown in my FB corner and put them together in one blog post.

Z mavricami po navodilih Maggie Maggio sem se igrala že dvakrat. Tokrat sem poskusila kombinaciji Fimo Soft 16-26-35 (temnejša) in 16-22-39 (tista s turkizno).
Until now, I've used Maggie Maggio's tutorials to play with rainbows twice. This time, I tried the combinations of Fimo Soft 16-26-35 (the darker one) and 16-22-39 (the one with turquoise).

Na začetku 3, na koncu 27
I started with 3 and ended up with 27

- vsaka od njih razrezana na nekaj delov
- osrednji "žarki"
- ostri koti
- palčke - zgoraj take z vzporednimi stranicami (široke 0,5 cm), spodaj malo bolj vegaste

- each of them cut up in a few pieces
- rays
- sharp-angled tips
- little slabs - some of them with parallel edges and some a bit more random

Oblikovano in spečeno.
Shaped and baked.

Mavrica 1
Rainbow No. 1

Mavrica 2
Rainbow No. 2

Mavrica 3
Rainbow No. 3

Iz mavričnih ostankov
From rainbow leftovers

Začetek naslednje dogodivščine (16-22-33)...
Beginning of the next adventure (16-22-33)...
