19 maj 2013

Iz petih - pet. In še ena


Iz petih barv - tokrat samo osnovne (Fimo Soft 39, 42, 50, 61, 63) in na koncu še transparentna bela (014).
From five colours - only basic ones this time (Fimo Soft 39, 42, 50, 61, 63) and transparent white (014) in the end.

Pet ogrlic. Braz kakšnih posebnih tehnik. Večinoma samo valjanje, rezanje, pečenje, vrtanje luknjic in sestavljanje.
Five necklaces. Without any special techniques. Mostly just rolling, cutting, baking, drilling holes and assembling.

No, pri prvi je bil še ekstruder malo v akciji.
Well, I also used the extruder for the first one.

Pri drugi pa vijugasto rezilo in nekaj modelčkov za izrezovanje.
And a wavy blade and a few cutters for the second one.

Najenostavnejša - samo palčke. Še najteže se mi je bilo pri nizanju izogniti enakomernemu zaporedju :)
The simplest one - just little slabs. The hardest thing was to avoid assembling them in a regular sequence :)

Little discs.

Za druge koleščke in kroglice sem za pokušino vsako od barv zmešala še s transparentno belo. Rezultat mi je bil kar všeč.
For these discs and beads, I tried to mix each colour with transparent white. I quite liked the result.

Pa drugim tudi. Zato sem naredila še eno - tokrat sem od vsake barve naredila dva različno intenzivna odtenka, pa še samostojno belo sem dodala.
And so did the others. So I made another one - this time, I made two tones of different intensity from each colour, and I added white as such.

Očitno sem z izbiro barv zadela - po nekaj dnevih je doma ostala samo še prva...
I obviously chose the right colours - after a few days, only the first one is still here with me...
