18 maj 2013

Hrapavi robovi


Slučajno sem naletela na navodila za malo drugačne polžke, ki sem jih absolutno morala kar takoj preizkusit. Pa sem jih kar s tistim, kar je bilo pri roki...
I accidentally came across a tutorial for a little different coils that I absolutely had to try immediately. So I used the scraps that were on the table at the moment...

Če bi delala bolj načrtno, verjetno zadeva ne bi bila tako zelo zelena.
If I had worked in a more planned way, there probably wouldn't have been that many green tones.

Bi bila verjetno bolj v barvah, podobnih tistim v navodilu, ki me spominjajo na sledi barvnih kred na rdeči opečnati steni.
It would have probably be more like the one in the tutorial, with colours reminding me of coloured chalks on a red brick wall.

Vir/Source: http://polymerclayfimo.livejournal.com/4648712.html
