02 junij 2013

Zapestnica in še kaj


Med shranjenimi koščki sem našla ploščice mavrice (nekoliko temnejše), namešane še v aprilu (na prvi sliki zadaj).
Among the saved pieces, I found little sheets of rainbow shades (a bit darker), mixed back in April (first photo, at the back).

Pa sem izmerila obseg lesene osnove zapestnice, naložila proge do prave dolžine, dodala pikice in iz ostankov, odrezanih na obeh straneh, naredila še polžke. Iz najtanjših špagetkov za na zapestnico...
So I measured the circumference of a wooden bracelet blank, stacked the colours up to the right length, added some dots, cut off the excess clay on both sides, and used it for coils. Those from the thinnest spaghetti for the bracelet...

...in iz "normalnih" tiste s hrapavimi robovi (po teh navodilih).
...and from the "normal" ones, those with ragged edges (following this tutorial).
