29 marec 2008

Čas za objemčke

Z mojo mravljičico (mlajšo) sva zaradi bolezni ostali doma, in ko sva zbirali ideje, kaj bi počeli, se je spomnila na objemčke. Izbrskali sva škatlo in ugotovila sem, da so nam nedokončani objemčki ostali še od lanskih morskih počitnic (!!!) Kar nekaj sva nadoknadili in ko je prišla še druga mravljičica iz šole, se nama je pridružila še ona. Objavljam nekaj slik; na prvi so moji prvi poskusi, nato pa še nekaj variacij po željah in navodilih mojih punc.

I stayed at home with my tiny ant (the little one) when she was ill, and when we were deciding what to do, she remembered the huggies. We dug out the right box and I found out that we had some unfinished huggies from our last year's holidays at the seaside (!!!) We finished some of them and when the other tiny ant came home from school she joined us too. I'm posting some of the photos; in the first one, there are some of my first attempts, followed by soem variations according to my girls' wishes and instructions.


27 marec 2008

Pomlad je v zraku

copyright: http://www.shabbyprincess.com

Da ne bo izgledalo, da sem si naložila le modre odtenke :)

So that it doesn't look like I only downloaded blue tones :)


26 marec 2008

Vodne kapljice

copyright: http://www.shabbyprincess.com

Še malo sem se igrala s sličicami in naredila še tole. Precej nalezljivo je, še posebej tisti del "ni nereda"... Pa tiste s slikami izletov in veselih skupnih trenutkov so še toliko bolj učinkovite.

I played some more with pictures and made this one. It's pretty catchy, especially the "no mess" part... And those with photos of trips and happy family moments are even more effective.


24 marec 2008

Malo drugače

copyright: http://www.shabbyprincess.com

Že nekoč sem malo raziskovala spletne strani, ki ponujajo elemente za digitalni scrapbooking, pa se mi je zadeva zdela nekoliko "sterilna" - sem namreč takšna oseba, da mi pri ustvarjanju in končnih izdelkih zelo veliko pomeni otip, gladkost ali hrapavost, mehkoba, relief, otip naravnih materialov, satena, različna tekstura papirja. Zato se mi sama računalniška izdelava voščilnice ali strani v družinski spominski knjigi ni zdela nekaj, česar bi se lotevala tudi jaz (pa še malo kičasto in osladno se mi je zdelo vse skupaj).


Pred dnevi sem naletela na podobno stran, ki me je takoj pritegnila z dizajnom svojih elementov (http://www.shabbyprincess.com). Ker imajo nekaj zbirk papirjev, črk, trakcev in okraskov zastonj, sem rekla, no, pa poskusimo - saj ne more biti tako težko.

Objavljam en rezultat tega poskusa; ker se držim svoje odločitve, da ne objavljam naših družinskih fotografij, sem naredila en primerek z modrimi cvetovi (vse sva fotografirala moj mož ali jaz).

Dobra stran takšnega ustvarjanja je, da lahko to počneš kjerkoli, da ni treba pred tem k fotografu po natisnjene fotografije, pri prejemniku ne zaseda prostora, če tega sam noče, in da ne ustvariš nobenega nereda. Ampak jaz ostajam pri škarjah in lepilu :)


Some time ago, I spent some time exploring websites that offered elements necessary for digital scrapbooking, but I found the stuff somehow "sterile" - namely, I'm the kind of person to give a great meaning to the sense of touch when it comes to creating and final products: smoothness or coarseness, softness, relief, the feeling of natural materials, satin, different textures of paper. Therefore, creating a card or a family memory page on the computer didn't seem to be something I would do (and it even seemed a bit kitchy).


A few days ago, I came accross a page that attracted me instantly with the design of their elements (http://www.shabbyprincess.com). Since they have some free collections of papers, letters, ribbons and embellishments, I said, well, let's try - how hard can it be?

I'm posting one result of this experiment; it has been my personal decision that I don't post our family photos, so I made one example with blooms in blue (all photos taken by my husband or me).

The good part of such creating is that you can do it anywhere, you don't have to go to the photographer's studio to have some photos printed out, it doesn't take up any space if the person who gets if doesn't want it to, and you don't generate any mess whatsoever. But as far as I am concerned, I stick to scissors and glue :)


23 marec 2008

Za veliko noč

Krašenje pirhov nikoli ni bilo med mojimi najljubšimi ustvarjalnimi opravili, za praznično vzdušje pa sem naredila ta "šopek".

I've never considered Easter egg decorating as one of my top favourite creative activities, but I made this "bouquet" for some holiday spirit.


22 marec 2008


Kar nekaj zanimivih in uporabnih motivov sem našla na papirnatih darilnih vrečkah - nekaj je slikic, nekaj je vzorčkov za ozadja. Danes tale mala pikapolonica, ostalo kmalu.

I found quite some interesting and useful motives on paper gift bags - some pictures and some patterns for backgrounds. Today I'm posting this little ladybug, the rest is coming up soon.


21 marec 2008

Za prvi dan pomladi

Vreme se sicer ne strinja s tem, ampak danes se je uradno začela pomlad. Naj vam prinese prijetne trenutke, radost in veliko smeha.

The weather does not agree though, but today, the spring officially began. May it bring you pleasurable moments, joy and a lot of laughter.


20 marec 2008

Voščilnica za dvojčke

Kako se naredi voščilnica za dvojčke?
Vzamemo srčkan motiv za enega dojenčka in ga dvakrat prerišemo. Pobarvamo, izberemo ozadje z oblačilci in dodamo štiri okrogle steklene kamenčke za kapljice.

How do you make a card for twins?
Take a cute motive of one baby and copy it twice. Colour it in, pick a background with baby clothes and add four round glass pebbles for water drops.


19 marec 2008

Za dojenčke

Kot sem obljubila, objavljam voščilnice, ki sem jih naredila po naročilu. Ker so bile narejene vnaprej, sem se tokrat izognila roza in modri.

As promised, I'm posting the cards I made by order. Since they were made in advance, I avoided pink and blue tones this time.


18 marec 2008

Kdo bi si mislil

Del današnjega dneva sem preživela z drago prijateljico, s katero se nisva videli že "dolgih sedem let". Poleg voščilnic, za katere me je prosila (objavljene bodo v blogih v naslednjih dneh), sem ji hotela podariti še nekaj stvari, ki bi bile samo zanjo. Lonček za svinčnike in objemčka sem že imela, za album pa sem želela uporabiti nalepke s črkami, ki sem jih našla pred kratkim. Izbrala sem črke, potem pa sem "šla s tokom". Vse materiale sem imela doma, le da mislim, da sama od sebe teh barv nikoli ne bi uporabila skupaj v enem izdelku. Pa se mi je na koncu zdelo, da se mi je kar posrečilo.

Today I spent some time with a dear friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for "seven long years". Apart from cards she asked me to make for her (will be posted in the following days), I wanted to give her some things just for her. I had a pencil holder and a huggie, and for the album, I wanted to use some letter stickers I found recently. I picked the letters and then I "went with the flow". I had all the materials at home, but I don't think I would ever use these colours together in one project. And in the end, I thought it was quite all right.


16 marec 2008

Za slike z gusarskih potovanj

Spet moji morski motivi! Kot nalašč za fotografije z morskih potepanj - ali fotografije lepih piratov ;)

Here we go with my ocean motives! Very appropriate for photos taken on wanderings by the sea - or photos of handsome pirates ;)


15 marec 2008

Šiv ob pravem času...

... jih prihrani devet, pravi star ameriški pregovor. Meni pa je "šiv ob pravem času" rešil tole voščilnico - kar nekako se mi ni zdela prava, dokler nisem dodala robov. Drugače pa se mi je kombinacija dveh modrih odtenkov na svetli podlagi zdela primerna za voščilnico po načelu "manj je več".

...saves nine, says an old American proverb. But in my case, "a stitch in time" saved this card - it just didn't feel right until I added the borders. Otherwise, I thought the combination of two shades of blue on a lighter background was quite appropriate for a card based on principle "less is more".


14 marec 2008

Dobrodošel, pikec!

Naša družina ima novega najmlajšega člana - od srede, 12. marca.
Našemu malemu nečaku in bratrancu, njegovi sestrici in njunima staršema želimo vse naj naj (komaj čakam, da jih gremo malo pogledat)!

There's been a new youngest member of our family - since Wednesday, 12th March.
We wish our little nephew and cousin, his sister and their parents all the best (can't wait to see them all)!


13 marec 2008

Lonček za pisala

Pentlja, metuljček, dve rožici in nekaj besed. Za prav poseben namen.

A bow, a butterfly, two flowers and a few words. For a very special purpose.


04 marec 2008

Zadnji iz te runde

Ne samo, da že dva tedna nisem ničesar ustvarila, niti do tega nisem prišla, da bi kaj objavila. Pa me je en albumček še čakal. Tale.

Zdaj bo pa spet treba malo pobrskati po zalogah in dobiti kakšen navdih.


Not only that I haven't created anything for the last two weeks, I didn't even get to post anything. And there was one more album waiting to be posted. This one.

But now it's time to dig in my stocks and get some inspiration.
