29 marec 2008

Čas za objemčke

Z mojo mravljičico (mlajšo) sva zaradi bolezni ostali doma, in ko sva zbirali ideje, kaj bi počeli, se je spomnila na objemčke. Izbrskali sva škatlo in ugotovila sem, da so nam nedokončani objemčki ostali še od lanskih morskih počitnic (!!!) Kar nekaj sva nadoknadili in ko je prišla še druga mravljičica iz šole, se nama je pridružila še ona. Objavljam nekaj slik; na prvi so moji prvi poskusi, nato pa še nekaj variacij po željah in navodilih mojih punc.

I stayed at home with my tiny ant (the little one) when she was ill, and when we were deciding what to do, she remembered the huggies. We dug out the right box and I found out that we had some unfinished huggies from our last year's holidays at the seaside (!!!) We finished some of them and when the other tiny ant came home from school she joined us too. I'm posting some of the photos; in the first one, there are some of my first attempts, followed by soem variations according to my girls' wishes and instructions.
