Tu in tam kupim revije s predlogami za okenske ali stenske slike - po njih se izrežejo posamezni deli, ki se jih potem sestavi v sliko. No, in enkrat sem imela preblisk: zakaj pa ne bi takšnih sestavljank uporabila na čestitkah. Majhne, seveda. In sem vzela predlogo, jo poskenirala in pomanjšala, natisnila tri ali štiri enake sličice in jih razrezala tako, da sem dobila vse koščke - šablonice.
Nato sem sličico natisnila še enkrat na vrhu lista, list po dolžini prerezala, prepognila in ob straneh zalepila, da sem dobila žepek za vse koščke.
In zdaj vsako šablonico dam na ustrezen papir ali karton, občrtam, izrežem, sestavim, zlepim, okrasim - voila!
Za sličico na današnji voščilnici sem uporabila še dve šablonici od druge žabice (za lepšo "kopalno kad"). Za očke pa sem uporabila male bele okrogle nalepke (Müller).
From time to time, I buy a magazine with templates for paper piecing - but the pictures are quite large, intended for decoration of walls or windows. And then an idea struck me once: who not use these pictures on my cards. Smaller, of course. So I took a template, scanned it, reduced it, printed three or four copies and cut the up so that I got all the pieces - little templates. Then I printed the picture once again, at the top of the paper, cut the paper in half vertically, folded it and glued at the sides, and I got a nice little pocket for the templates. And now I put the templates on the appropriate paper or stock, trace it, cut it, put all together, place them on the card, add some other stuff - voila!
For the picture on today's card, I used two templates of the other frog (for a nicer-looking "bath tub"). And for the eyes I used small white round stickers (Müller).