- samo da sem trenutno v neki "preizkuševalni" in "polovični" fazi - kar nekaj režem in štempljam in kombiniram, do končnih izdelkov pa ne pridem. No, skoraj. Tukaj je ena serija treh voščilnic - v trgovini sem zagledala tri trakce v različnih barvnih kombinacijah, kupila vsakega en meter, doma pa iz jim prilagodila papir in okraski. (Ne, kvadratki tokrat niso "palčkimalčki", ker se mi je zdelo, da bi se kačji pastirji kar nekako izgubili, če bi bili kvadratki še pol centimetra večji.)
- it's just that I'm in some kind of a "testing" and "half-way" phase - I keep cutting and stamping and combining, but don't get to any finalized projects- Well, almost. Here is a series of three cards - I saw three ribbons in different colour combinations at a shop, bought a meter of each, and found appropriate paper and embellishments at home. (No, the squares are not "inchies" this time, it seemed to me that the dragonflies would look somehow lost if the squares were half a centimeter larger.)