Kaj vse je bilo v teh preteklih tednih! Delo, moj rojstni dan, izlet s kolegi, počitniške dogodivščine z družino... Vse razen mojega hobija :( Ampak za rojstni dan pa sem dobila čudovite pripomočke za ustvarjanje :) In na poti sem ves čas zbirala ideje in delala načrte, pa čisto malo sem na morju tudi ustvarjala - prstančke iz perlic, namreč. Pa nekaj takih slik na plaži - kar tako, a bodo vseeno za spomin.
All the things that were going on in these past weeks! Work, my birthday, a trip with my colleagues, holiday adventures with my family... Everything except my hobby :( But I got wonderful crafting tools for my birthday :) And while we were travelling, I collected ideas all the time and I made plans, and at the seaside, I even manage to do some beading, namely, I made some seed bead rings. And a few such photos at the beach - just so, but they'll do as a souvenir.