... je obvezen kos vsake garderobe, vsaj tako pravijo.
Obleka? Za mene mogoče v katerem drugem življenju. In če bodo kozmične sile naklonjene, morda celo v tistem z vrtom in vrtnarjem :)
Verižica? Se absolutno strinjam. Pa še kakšno bom naredila. Glede na prvi stavek je lahko tudi za darilo, s katerim res že zelo težko zgrešiš.
... is a must-have of every wardrobe, so they say.
A dress? For me, perhaps in some other life. And if the cosmic forces are merciful, maybe even in the one with the garden and the gardener :)
A necklace? I absolutely agree. And I'll make some more of these. Considering the first sentence, they can also be given away as presents with which you simply can't miss.