Moj mesec, moj junij?
Bi pričakovali, da bom zagnano nizala objavo za objavo in se važila z vsem po vrsti, pa nič.
Vzrok št. 1: Delo. Je pač tako.
Vzrok št. 2: Narava izdelkov, ki pa sem jih vseeno uspela narediti. Scrapbook albumi. Natančneje dva. Prvi za mravljinčkove starše ob obletnici poroke - z družinskimi fotkami v glavni vlogi. Drugi za razredničarko od moje mlajše mravljičice, ki se po dveh letih poslavlja od svojih sončkov in ki je res bila učiteljica, ki si jo vsak starš želi za svojega prvčka. Z zbranimi fotkami vseh sošolcev, risbicami in posvetili. Mi je rekla, da je to najlepše darilo, kar ga je kadarkoli dobila. Iz osebnih razlogov objavljam samo naslovnico.
Za ostale učiteljice sta deklici izbrali zapestnice iz memory žice (iz zaloge, ki je nastala kar tako, mimogrede), priložile pa smo tudi šopke sivke. Popoln zadetek!
Vzrok št. 3: Kvačkane verižice tudi zahtevajo svoj čas, tako da sicer izdelek nastaja, ampak kar ni vsak dan česa novega za pokazat.
Tolažim se s tem, da se bliža dopust...
My month, my June?
One would expect that I was going to zealously write posts one after another, showing off with all possible things, but no.
Reason No. 1: Work. That's the way it is.
Reason No. 2: The nature of the things I managed to do anyway. Scrapbook albums. Two, to be exact. The first one for my hubby's parents for their wedding anniversary - with family photos in the main role. The second one for my younger daughter's teacher who is leaving her little sunshines after two years and who really was a teacher that every parent wants for their first-graders. With collected photos, drawings and sentiments. She said to me that this was the most beautiful present she has ever got. I'm only showing the front page - for my personal reasons.
For all other teacher, the girls chose memory wire bracelets from my stash (that I've made just so, by the way) and we added small lavender bundles. A total hit!
Reason No. 3: Crocheted necklaces take time. So they are constantly growing, but not really a very interesting issue for daily posts.
My consolation: the holidays are approaching...