Ime: Iiiiiikajetoapuuuujsek
Priimek: Padejnopatajeparespacientka
Datum roj... nastanka: 30.5.2009
Kraj roj... nastanka: nekje v bližini Movraža, Smokvice in Rakitovca...
Ma... stvariteljica: mravljica72
Novi lastnik: Dvorni gospodar S.
Velikost: se vidi na fotkah
Teža: čist mal
Čas nastajanja: preden našteješ pet jedi iz svinjine
Po kitajskem horoskopu: svinja
Hobiji: biti lupkan
Življenjski moto: če si tako majhen, se te za šunko ne splača dat
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A če bi znala manjše tudi naredit? A moram odgovorit ali naj jih potem kar pokažem ;)
Name: Iiiiiiwhatsthisitsapiiiiglet
Family name: Ohcomeonshesreallycertifiable
Date of bir... creation: 30th May 2009
Place of bir... creation: somewhere near Movraž, Smokvica and Rakitovec...
Mot... creator: mravljica72
New owner: landlord S.
Size: see the photos
Weight: a teeny weeny little
Time of making: before you can think of five dishes involving pork
Chinese star sign: pig
Hobbies: being cute
Life motto: if you're that small they won't bother to give you away for ham
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Could I make smaller too? Do I need to answer or should I just show them when they're done ;)