Ob začetku jesenskih počitnic sem se lotila pregledovanja dveh škatel, ki sta od konca lanskega leta čakali na najvišji polici omare. Škatli, v kateri sem zadnja tri leta spravljala vse, kar mi je ostalo od izdelovanja decembrskih voščilnic in se mi je zdelo še uporabno.
At the beginnig of this year's autumn holidays, I took out two boxes that have been waiting at the top shelf since last December. The boxes where I have stashed all useful leftovers from making of Christmas and New Year's cards in the past three years.Odločila sem se, da bom letos porabila starega materiala, kolikor se bo dalo, preden grem v kakšno novo načrtovanje.
I decided to use as much old material as possible before planning anything new.Odločila sem se za malo manjši format voščilnic (dobrih starih klasičnih 10 x 15 cm) in začela zbirati, kaj se da narediti. Materialu iz škatel so se pridružile zaloge kartonov, trakcev, razcepk, gumbov, reliefnih papirčkov, scrapbook papirjev in odtiskov z božično tematiko... Zelo hitro sem ugotovila, da se bo še vedno dalo narediti veliko serij po 5 ali 10 (čisto po moje). Kupčke materiala sem si naložila v mape in ko sem se prvič ustavila, sem naštela, da sem si pripravila material za 90 voščilnic.
This time I went for a little smaller card size (good old classical 10 x 15 cm) and started putting together pieces for cards. Beside the material from the boxes, I also used some cardstock, ribbons, brads, buttons, embossed papers, and Christmas-themed scrapbooking papers and stamped images. I soon found out that I'd still be able to make quite a few series of 5 or 10 (which is how I like doing it). I put the piles of material in folders and when I stopped for the first time, I saw there was enough material to make 90 cards.Potem sem vse odvečno pospravila nazaj in se potem med počitniških ustvarjanjem vsakič posvetila samo eni mapici. Kar je pomenilo dosti manjšo bombo na kuhinjski mizi :) In vsakič, ko sem kupček narejenih dala v škatlo, je bilo tudi pospravljanja zelo malo.
Then I put everything I wasn't going to need back in the box and whenever I wanted to make some cards, I just took one folder at a time, which also meant a lot less mess on my kitchen table :) And a lot less cleaning after another pile of cards was made and put away.Takole pa izgledajo zdaj, ob koncu počitnic:
This is what they look like now, at the end of holidays:
Manjkajo jim še napisi, tako da me čaka ena seansa štampiljkanja, potem pa jih lahko pokažem tudi eno po eno. No, po deset. Ali po pet.
They still need sentiments to be added, so I'll have to do some stamping, and then I can show them one by one. Well, ten. Or five.A če mi je še ostalo kaj materiala? Do dela škatle s koščki papirjev in kartonov, manjših od 10 x 10 cm, še sploh nisem prišla... Ampak uspelo pa mi je, da sem količino skrčila toliko, da gre vse v eno škatlo.
Is there any more material left, you ask? I haven't even got to the part of the box with pieces of paper and cardstock that are smaller than 10 x 10 cm... But I have managed to reduce the quantity of the material to fit in one box only.mravljica