Za kakšno resno, obsežno ustvarjanje zadnje dni ne pridem zraven. Ampak kakšno urico mi pa še vseeno uspe, da malo režem, lepim, kombiniram... pa čeprav so končni rezultat samo takšni mini post-it blokci.
/ Recently there hasn't been much time for some serious crafting, but I still manage to steal an hour or so from time to time, to cut, glue, combine... and even if the final result are only these little post-it pads.
Pravi užitek jih je bil delat in pravi cukrčki so mi, takole na kupu :)
/ They were really fun to make and I find they quite sweet, lying here all together :)
(In ja, so manjši od prejšnje runde - sem vzela manjše osnove. / And yes, they are smaller than the previous series - I took smaller pads.)
Nekaj sem jih dala v škatlo za letošnji novoletni darilni bazar, za katerega že nekaj let vedno prispevam nekaj mojih miniaturic, in za katerega z veseljem ugotavljam, da se ga letos udeležuje več ustvarjalk.
/ I put some of them in the box for this year's New Year's Bazaar, for which I've been contributing some of my miniatures for some years now, and I'm very glad to see that more and more crafters are taking part.
Zraven sem v škatlo dala še nekaj stvari iz zalog: voščilnic, malih pletenih torbic - obeskov, mini obeskov za telefone, kljukic za sporočila, srčkov iz bunkaste volne, zapestnic in uhančkov (nekaj jih še menda nisem pokazala, zato ena njihova skupinska, na hitro).
/ I filled the box with some more stuff I've made: cards, little knitted bags - keyrings, mini mobile phone danglers, clothespins for messages, hearts made of pompom yarn, bracelets and earrings (I think I haven't shown some of them, so here's one quick group photo).
Preden škatlo zaprem in odnesem, pa bo verjetno še kaj našlo svoj prostorček v njej...
/ But before I close the box and take it away, there will surely be some more things to be packed along...