V ranem jutru sem natisnila in razrezala vse vaše komentarje - hvala vam še enkrat zanje!
/ Early in the morning, I printed and cut up all your comments - thanks again to all of you!
... jih prepognila...
/ ... folded them...
... in jih dala na najbolj primerno mest za žrebanje :)
/ ... and put them to the most appropriate place for drawing the winner :)
Potem sem poklicala kosmato roko.
/ Then I called the hairy hand.
Ki je listke premešala,
/ Which shuffled the pieces,
enega zagrabila...
/ grabbed one...
ga potegnila ven...
/ pulled it out...
In škatlo dobi...
/ And the box goes to...
Uf, napetost...
/ Oh, the suspense...
/ Is rising...
Slika je malo motna, ampak pokaže vse, kar je treba...
/ The photo is a bit blurry, but it shows everything it has to...
(Se "slišiva" na mailu, da se dogovoriva za predajo.)
/ (We'll discuss the details by mail.)
In še pozdrav - tak zmagovalni - do naslednjič :)
/ And a salute - a victorious one - till the next time :)
p.s.: Edino nekaj mi je bilo žal, ko sem prebirala vaše komentarje: da nimam vsaj petnajstih škatel za vas. Rada vas imam.
/ p.s.: The only thing I regretted while reading your comments was that I didn't have at least fifteen boxes for you. Love you.