31 december 2010
30 december 2010
Topla voda za hladne dni
Med vsem decemberskim norenjem sem celo enkrat ali dvakrat uspela na mizo dati fimo. Ampak za kakšno veliko eksperimentiranje in ustvarjanje preprosto ni bilo časa. Zato nekaj preverjenih pripomočkov in postopkov - žarnica, štampiljke in brusni papir, kvadratki, frtajčki in razkriti vzorčki. Za kakšno morebitno darilo v zadnjem hipu.
In all December frenzy, I even managed to put fimo on the table once or twice. But there was simply not enough time to experiment or create something really new. Therefore some known tools and procedures - a lightbulb, stamps and sandpaper, little squares, swirlies and exposed patterns. For some eventual last moment gifts.
24 december 2010
Malo drugačno ustvarjanje
Kar je bilo mišljeno kot majhen prispevek za sladko pogostitev po včerajšnjem koncertu pevskih zborov, se je sprevrglo v... no, malo večji projekt. Štirje preverjeni recepti, štiri sklede testa, različic pa potem malo več, vmes ponesreček z nepravo čokolado, na koncu pa potem kar zadovoljiv rezultat.
/ It was meant to be a small contribution for a sweet treat after the yesterday's choir concert, but it turned out as... well, a bit more extensive project. Four tested recipes, four bowls of dough, many rounds of baking, a mishap with a wrong type of chocolate, and then the result was quite satisfactory.
Na slikah niso celotne količine, ker je en del piškotov pred slikanjem že bil spakiran za odnest na koncert, en del je odšel v nepovratni smeri (krivci so se oklicali za dvorne preizkuševalce), en del pa sem - psssst - skrila, da bo še vsaj enkrat ali dvakrat za k čaju ali kavi.
/ The photos don't show the entire quantity; one portion of cookies had already been taken to the concert, one portion had gone to neverland (they said they were the royal tasters), and I've - pssst - hidden one portion to have a few of them left to serve them with tea or coffee at least once or twice..
Za tole na krožnikih se moram pa samo še spravit in naredit nekaj darilnih košaric.
/ Now I only have to make some gift baskets and pack the ones that have been left on the plates.
Meni je za letos sladke peke dovolj, vsem vam pa želim lepo praznovanje, ravno prav sladko, ravno prav slano, ravno prav mehko, ravno prav toplo in ravno prav veselo.
/ I've had enough baking for this year, and I wish you all pleasant celebration, with just the right amount of sweetness, saltiness, softness, warmth and joy.
20 december 2010
Kazalc pa še nismo delili
Učiteljicam in učiteljem kot majhno pozornost ob koncu leta namreč.
No, pa dajmo.
Osnova - karton iz zadnje platnice bloka barvnih kartonov.
Ozadje - papirji iz zalog, že sami znani.
Robovi - zaokroženi na vogalih in malo posenčeni.
Luknjica - narejena z navadnim luknjačem, čez pa odtisnjen krogec v ustrezni barvi.
Vzorčki - štempiljkaste igrarije.
Vmesni monolog:
A bi še kaj nalepila? - Bi, ampak ne bom.
Kak odtisek, tak lepo pobarvan in izrezan, pa z okvirčkom? - Bi, pa tudi ne bom.
Ali pa samo še kak drug papir, pa kak gumb ali kovinski okrasek? - Ne ne ne.
OK, potem pa ne. Em, zakaj pa ne? - Ker če že delam kazala, je fajn, če se bodo za ta namen tudi uporabljala. Za to pa morajo biti tanka.
Zadnji dodatek - pisani repki, trakci iz zalog.
Nekaj prototipov je šlo na kupček "vidiš, tako se to ne dela", teh nekaj bo pa v tem tednu odšlo k novim lastnikom in lastnicam. Pa čisto možno je, da jih bo še kaj nastalo, ker jih je zelo lušno delat :)
For the teachers, namely, as a little token of appreciation at the year's end.
Well, here goes.
The base - cardboard from the back sheet of the colour paper or card pad.
The background - papers from the storage, nothing new actually.
Borders - rounded at edges, just a bit distressed.
The hole - made with an ordinary office punch, and a stamped circle in a matching colour across it.
Patterns - playing with stamps.
A monologue in between:
Would I add anything else? - I would but I won't.
A stamped image, coloured and neatly cut out, with a cute frame? - I would but I won't either.
Or maybe just another piece of paper, or a button or a metal embellishment? - No no no.
OK, then not. Ehm, and why not? - Because if I'm making bookmarks, I'd like them to be used for the purpose. Any this is why they should be thin.
The final touch - colourful tails, ribbons from the storage.
Some prototypes went directly to the "this should not be done like this" pile, and these will get their new owners over this week. And it's quite possible that I will make some more because they are so much fun to make :)
19 december 2010
Za moje kofetkarice
17 december 2010
15 december 2010
Vmes na hitro nastajajo malenkosti - majhne pozornosti z uporabno vrednostjo.
/ In the meantime, some smaller things are being made - small tokens of attention with certain practical value.
Jaz pa se še vedno optimistično nadejam, da bom še do konca tedna prišla do fimanja...
/ And I'm still optimistic and hope that I'll get to play with fimo by the end of the week...
Vmes na hitro nastajajo malenkosti - majhne pozornosti z uporabno vrednostjo.
/ In the meantime, some smaller things are being made - small tokens of attention with certain practical value.
Jaz pa se še vedno optimistično nadejam, da bom še do konca tedna prišla do fimanja...
/ And I'm still optimistic and hope that I'll get to play with fimo by the end of the week...
14 december 2010
Voščilnice, osmi del - menda zadnja runda letos
Deset dni od zadnje objave. Pri mojih blogerskih sosedah ne utegnem niti vsega prebrat, toliko novega je vsak dan, jaz pa deset dni nič...
/ Ten days since my last post. My blog neighbours keep posting so many new things I don't even get to read everything, and my blog was alone and sad for ten days...
Pa saj ne, da ne bi ničesar počela. Saj ves čaz nekaj packam. Ampak so pretežno stvari, ki jih bom lahko pokazala, ko se darila pod smrečico razdelijo in odvijejo.
/ And it's not that I haven't been doing anything. I'm constantly working on something. But it's mostly the things I'll be able to show when the presents found under the Christmas treee get unwrapped.
No, danes malo popravljam in objavljam še dva kupčka voščilnic, s katerimi sem še nekoliko zmanjšala zaloge.
/ Well, to improve the situation, I'm posting two more sets of cards for which I used some more stuff from my stash.
Zdaj bi pa škatlo s papirji za voščilnice za eno leto pospravila. Čeprav...
/ And now it would be the time to put the box with all the papers for Christmas cards away for a year. And yet again...
Dobrim možem sem pa že tudi pisala. Čeprav nimam ravno dosti upanja, da jim bo uspelo izpolnit mojo željo:
/ I've also written a letter to the Good Men of December. However, I don't really have much hope that they will manage to make my wish come true:
(HP fani bodo vedeli, o čem govorim / HP fans will know what I'm talking about)
Lep december še naprej!
/ Wishing you a nice December!
Deset dni od zadnje objave. Pri mojih blogerskih sosedah ne utegnem niti vsega prebrat, toliko novega je vsak dan, jaz pa deset dni nič...
/ Ten days since my last post. My blog neighbours keep posting so many new things I don't even get to read everything, and my blog was alone and sad for ten days...
Pa saj ne, da ne bi ničesar počela. Saj ves čaz nekaj packam. Ampak so pretežno stvari, ki jih bom lahko pokazala, ko se darila pod smrečico razdelijo in odvijejo.
/ And it's not that I haven't been doing anything. I'm constantly working on something. But it's mostly the things I'll be able to show when the presents found under the Christmas treee get unwrapped.
No, danes malo popravljam in objavljam še dva kupčka voščilnic, s katerimi sem še nekoliko zmanjšala zaloge.
/ Well, to improve the situation, I'm posting two more sets of cards for which I used some more stuff from my stash.
Zdaj bi pa škatlo s papirji za voščilnice za eno leto pospravila. Čeprav...
/ And now it would be the time to put the box with all the papers for Christmas cards away for a year. And yet again...
Dobrim možem sem pa že tudi pisala. Čeprav nimam ravno dosti upanja, da jim bo uspelo izpolnit mojo željo:
/ I've also written a letter to the Good Men of December. However, I don't really have much hope that they will manage to make my wish come true:
(HP fani bodo vedeli, o čem govorim / HP fans will know what I'm talking about)
Lep december še naprej!
/ Wishing you a nice December!
04 december 2010
Voščilnice, sedmi del - malo bleščanja
Še dva SB papirja z božično tematiko in vzorčki sem našla. Enega sem razrezala na šest in drugega na deset enakih delov.
/ I found two more Christmas-themed and patterned SB papers. I cut one in six and the other one in ten equal pieces.
Vsakemu sem barvno prilagodila ostale stvari iz zalog. In poskrbela za malo bleščanja.
/ I put them together with other things from my stash in coordinating colours. And I made them bling a bit.
Šest mojih najljubših snežakcev.
/ Six of my favourite snowmen.
In deset s prazničnimi besedami.
/ And ten of them with holiday-themed words.
Svetloba za fotkanje je bila malo čudna, v živo pa so prav srčkane :)
/ The photos were taken in some odd light, but the cards are quite cute in RL :)
Še dva SB papirja z božično tematiko in vzorčki sem našla. Enega sem razrezala na šest in drugega na deset enakih delov.
/ I found two more Christmas-themed and patterned SB papers. I cut one in six and the other one in ten equal pieces.
Vsakemu sem barvno prilagodila ostale stvari iz zalog. In poskrbela za malo bleščanja.
/ I put them together with other things from my stash in coordinating colours. And I made them bling a bit.
Šest mojih najljubših snežakcev.
/ Six of my favourite snowmen.
In deset s prazničnimi besedami.
/ And ten of them with holiday-themed words.
Svetloba za fotkanje je bila malo čudna, v živo pa so prav srčkane :)
/ The photos were taken in some odd light, but the cards are quite cute in RL :)
03 december 2010
02 december 2010
Voščilnice - šesti del: Piškotko in rokavička
Nekaj jih je še nastalo (osem od vsakega od teh dveh motivov) - tako malo po etapah, ko sem uspela vmes najti nekaj prostih minut.
/ I've made a few more (eight of each of these two) - step by step, whenever I managed to find a few free minutes.
Pa še nekaj jih je v delu...
/ And there is still some more similar work in progress...
Nekaj jih je še nastalo (osem od vsakega od teh dveh motivov) - tako malo po etapah, ko sem uspela vmes najti nekaj prostih minut.
/ I've made a few more (eight of each of these two) - step by step, whenever I managed to find a few free minutes.
Pa še nekaj jih je v delu...
/ And there is still some more similar work in progress...
01 december 2010
Pa je tu december
Tale oranžka je kljubovala mrazu do prvega snega. In se mi je zdela kar simbolična za ujet. In pokazat.
/ This orange one stood bravely through the frost, until the first snow. And it seemed quite symbolic to capture it. And show it here.
Dober december vam želim. Naj bo takšen, kot ste si ga zamislili.
/ Have a good December. May it be just the way you imagined it to be.
Tale oranžka je kljubovala mrazu do prvega snega. In se mi je zdela kar simbolična za ujet. In pokazat.
/ This orange one stood bravely through the frost, until the first snow. And it seemed quite symbolic to capture it. And show it here.
Dober december vam želim. Naj bo takšen, kot ste si ga zamislili.
/ Have a good December. May it be just the way you imagined it to be.
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