Še dva SB papirja z božično tematiko in vzorčki sem našla. Enega sem razrezala na šest in drugega na deset enakih delov.
/ I found two more Christmas-themed and patterned SB papers. I cut one in six and the other one in ten equal pieces.
Vsakemu sem barvno prilagodila ostale stvari iz zalog. In poskrbela za malo bleščanja.
/ I put them together with other things from my stash in coordinating colours. And I made them bling a bit.
Šest mojih najljubših snežakcev.
/ Six of my favourite snowmen.
In deset s prazničnimi besedami.
/ And ten of them with holiday-themed words.
Svetloba za fotkanje je bila malo čudna, v živo pa so prav srčkane :)
/ The photos were taken in some odd light, but the cards are quite cute in RL :)