INSPIRATION WITH A MIND OF ITS OWNKolegica me je prosila za dve velikonočni voščilnici. Sicer jih nisem imela prav nič v načrtu, ampak sem obljubila. In si mislila: če se da za vse druge namene naredit, pa tudi to ne bo tak problem...
A colleague of mine asked me to make a couple of Easter cards for her. I didn't have any plans for that though, but I promised her I'd do it, thinking: if cards can be made for any other purpose, this shouldn't be a problem neither...No, pa je bil. V bistvu je bil problem v inspiraciji, ki je šla... saj niti ne vem, kam.
Well, it was. Actually, the problem was inspiration which was gone... I don't even know where it went. 
Kljub kupom primernega materiala, kljub vrsti pregledanih blogov, kljub približni sliki v mislih in skici na papirju sem potrebovala dosti več časa, da sem sestavila nekaj velikonočnega in vsaj približno všečnega. Sem bila že na tem, da vse skupaj pospravim in se ne dotaknem papirja tam do septembra.
Despite piles of suitable materials, despite the number of blogs checked, despite the approximate picture in my mind and a sketch on the paper, I needed quite some time to assemble something Easter-themed and at least to some extent acceptable. I already wanted to put everything away and put off paper crafting until September.
Ampak ko sem videla navdušenje naročnice, mi ni bilo žal, da sem vztrajala.
But when I saw the colleague's excitement over them, I was glad I didn't give up.
Tale ji je bila najbolj všeč. In meni tudi. Je bila
ena od tistih, ki sem jih našla drugje in jo želela narediti tudi sama.
She liked this one the most. And so did I. It was one of those I found elsewhere and wanted to make it myself.
Pa bo vseeno ostalo samo pri teh. Je vseeno prenaporno prepiranje z inspiracijo, ki se že ozira po škatlah in škatlicah...
But nevertheless, I won't be making any more. It is just too exhausting to struggle with the inspiration if it has already started making plans for boxes, big and small ones...mravljica