Ravno ko sem si pripravila
kvadratke, sem dobila naročilo za eno škatlo v modro-zelenih tonih, in ker je bil fotoaparat ravno zraven, sem pofotkala njeno nastajanje.
Just as I prepared my inchies, I was asked to make one box in blue and green tones, and as the camera was already there, I took photos of this one.
Kvadratke sem si enakomerno razdelila na kupčke: 77 za pokrov, dvakrat 33 za daljše stranice in dvakrat 16 za krajše stranice. Levi spodnji kupček so rezervni kvadratki in daljši trakci širine 2,5 cm.
I divided the inchied into five piles: 77 for the lid, twice 33 for longer sides and twice 16 for shorter sides. The pile on the bottom left is made of left-over inchies and longer strips 2,5 cm wide.Če spodnjo sliko povečate, boste videli dve črti, narisani s svinčnikom, s katerima sem zgornjo ploskev po širini in višini razdelila na pol.
If you enlarge the photo below, you'll see two lines I made in pencil to divide the top surface in half in both directions.
Premešala sem kvadratke, namenjene za zgornjo ploskev in jih razporedila v mrežo 7x11.
/ I shuffled the inchies intended for the top surface and arranged them in a 7x11 grid.

Nato sem na vsaki strani kotnih 15 kvadratkov malo umaknila in prilepila srednji kvadratek tako, da je ležal natančno na sredi obeh črt.
Then I pushed aside the outer 15 inchies in each corner and adhered the central inchie precisely on the centre of both lines.
Nato sem si enakomerno razporedila preostalih deset/šest kvadratkov in jih nalepila na črte.
I arranged the remaining ten/six inchies in equal distances and adhered them on the lines.
Iz sredine sem v enakomerni mreži nalepila še vse ostale. Na krajši stranici je na obeh straneh ostalo malo več praznega roba.
Working from the centre, I adhered the remaining inchies to make a grid. On the shorter side, there is a bit more space on the edge left uncovered.
Tudi na vseh štirih stranicah sem si narisala črte po sredini. Kvadratke sem začela lepini na sredini in od spodaj navzgor.
I drew the centre lines on the sides as well. I worked from the centre and starting at the bottom.Na daljših stranicah sem nalepila vse stolpce razen skrajnih, na krajših pa so celi kvadratki v dveh vrstah in po en na vsaki strani v tretji vrsti.
On the longer sides, I adhered all columns except the two at each side, and on the shorter sides, inchies are in two lines and one more on each side in the third row.

Zaključila sem z robnimi stolpci - ko sem začela delati te škatle, sem za poravnavanje vrstic potrebovala nekaj dodatnega merjenja, sčasoma pa človek dobi občutek.
Then I finished with the columns at the sides - when I started making these boxes, I did some additional measuring to align the rows, but with time, one gets "the touch". 
Za najbolj zgornjo vrsto sem iz trakcev, ki sem si jih prihranila pri rezanju, narezala 30 pravokotnikov širine 2,5 cm (širina trakcev) in višine 2,1 cm.
For the top row, I took the strips I left uncut before and I made 30 rectangles: width 2.5 cm (width of the strips) and height 2.1 cm.Daljša stranica - 11 pravokotnikov
Longer side - 11 rectangles
Krajša stranica - po 2 pravokotnika na vsaki strani
Shorter side - 2 rectangles on each side Odprtino sem pokrila s 5 kvadratki in 3 pravokotniki (visoki 1,5 cm). Nalepila sem jih tako, da so vsi segali čez rob odprtine.
I covered the opening with 5 inchies and 3 rectangles (1.5 cm). I adhered them to extend over the edge.
Z nožkom sem jih obrezala ob robu odprtine.
I traced the edge of the opening and cut off the excess.
Pravokotniki za rob pokrova so visoki 1,7 cm. Potrebujemo jih 36.
Rectangles for the sides of the lid are 1.7 cm high. We need 36 of them.

Za konec se vrnimo še na zgornjo ploskev. Nepokrita robova sta tako ozka, da bi lahko takšna tudi ostala, ampak iz izkušenj sem vedela, da se splača še malo potruditi.
Let's return to the top surface for the end. The uncovered borders are so narrow that they might have just as well remained lake this. But from before, I knew I was worth taking some extra effort.
Pravokotniki so visoki 0,3 cm.
/ The height of the rectangles is 0.3 cm.

Kajne, da je bolje?
/ It is better, right?

Voila, še malo od strani.
Voila, view from the side.

Upam, da vam je všeč. In da so bila navodila jasna in razumljiva. In da če se boste lotili kakšne, da nam jo boste tudi pokazali - lahko na to opozorite s komentarjem k tej objavi.
I hope you like it. And that the tutorial was clear and easy to understand. And that if you take on making one by yourself, you will also show it to us - bring it to our attention by commenting on this post. mravljica