Tako mi rečejo, ko želijo voščilnico :) Za kakšno zlato poroko, pa okrogel rojstni dan. In priznam, da imam potem kar malo tremo, če bo dovolj dobro...
/ That's what they say when they need a card :) For some 50th wedding anniversary, or a special birthday. And to be honest, it makes me a bit anxious, unsure whether it's going to be good enough...
Še posebej, če sem iz vaje - prahci in vroča pištola na primer so kar dolgo samevali.
/ Especially if I'm out of practice - for example, the powders and the heat gun were stashed away for quite some time.
Ampak ta format in oblika voščilnice kar dobro reši situacijo :)
/ But the format and the shape of these cards saves the day pretty well :)
Pa še škatlica za zaokrožen vtis:
/ And the box for the complete impression:
(Eno zlato škatlico s temno modro pentljo še moram naredit.)
/ (I need to make a golden box, too. With a dark blue bow.)