Od takrat, ko sem polžke in pikice videla prvič, sem razmišljala, da bi se jih lotila tudi sama. Ko pa sem jih pred kratkim tudi potipala, je bilo edino logično, da bo prva stvar, narejena s pomočjo mojega novega zelenčka, ena takšna oblečena škatla.
/ From the moment I first saw little coils and dots, I've been thinking about trying something similar myself. And when I recently got to touch them as well, it was only logical that the first thing made with my new green extruder was going to be such tin box.
Najprej sem "koncept" preskusila na enem krogcu: špagetki zviti v polžke, vsak drugi zavoj "popikan" s krogličnim pisalom za embosiranje. Vmesni prostorčki zapolnjeni s krajšimi koščki špagetkov.
/ First, I tested the concept on a little fimo circle: I extruded some spaghetti, rolled them into coils and made dots to every other circle by using an embossing stylus. I filled the spaces in between with shorter pieces of the spaghetti.
Na enak način sem najprej oblekla pokrov kovinske škatle, s to razliko, da sem ga najprej pokrila z zelo tanko plastjo svetlega Fima.
/ Then I went and used the same procedure on the lid of the tin box, but before doing so, I covered it with a very thin layer of light-coloured Fimo.
Aja, še to: za špagetke sem se prvič "odlepila" od Fima in preskusila Pardo. Za stiskanje je bil fajn, za dolgotrajnejše delo pa premehek, prepacast, še posebej za take bolj natančne stvari. (Sem bila vmes že tudi na tem, da vse skupaj zabrišem stran...)
/ Oh, and yes: I moved away from Fimo and made the spaghetti by using Pardo for the very first time. It was great for extruding, but too soft for longer work, too squashy, particularly for such delicate things. (While working, I found myself fighting the urge to toss everything away...)
Pokrov sem spekla in ga nataknila na škatlo (kar se je izkazalo za zelo dobro potezo, ker sem samo tako lahko škatlo držala med delom). Tudi škatlo sem najprej obdala s tanko plastjo svetlega fima, potem je pa trajalo kar nekaj časa, da sem na celo površino naložila polžke in zapolnila vse praznine. In napikala vse pike.
/ I baked the lid and put it on the box (which was actually a very good move, because it was the only way to hold the box while working). I covered the box with a thin layer of Fimo as well, and then it took me quite a few hours to cover the entire surface with the coils and fill all the voids. And made all the dots.
In če povzamem v stilu Bradyjevih: Kaj smo se iz tega naučili?
/ And if I summerise everything in words of the Brady bunch: What did we learn from this?
1. Pardo NI uporaben za to. (Njegov potencial vidim v mehurčkanju, ker je prijetno mehek za gnetenje kroglic in ker je po pečenju rahlo perlasto svetlikajoč. In ker mi je nabor barv všeč.
/ 1. Pardo is NOT to be used for this. (I can see its potential in bubbles though, because it is nice and soft for kneading and it has a slightly pearly sheen after baking. And because I like its range of colours.
2. S tanjšimi špagetki je malo več dela in malo dlje traja. (Ja, logično.)
/ 2. Thinner spaghetti take more work and more time. (Well, duh.)
3. Z imitacijo perlic (majhne kroglice mase s piko na sredi) se da fino prikriti spoje, majhne praznine, ponesrečke... Tokrat mi je uspelo le na pokrovu, ker sem imela občutek, da se mi bo na škatli vse samo še bolj spacalo, in sem najprej spekla in šele nato nameravala dodati "perlice". Pa se nepečen Pardo ni hotel prijeti pečenega. Še ena točka v prid - mojemu dragemu - Fimu.
/ 3. Faux seed beads (little balls of Pardo with a little hole in the middle) are great for covering up the joints, little voids, mishaps... This time, it worked well only on the lid, because I had a feeling that if I had done it on the unbaked box, everything would have got even more messed up, so I baked it first and intended to add the "beads" later. But, the unbaked Pardo wouldn't stick to the baked layer. Yet another point to the advantage of - my dear - Fimo.
Vesela sem, da sem kljub temu, da mi že vmes ni bilo všeč, kako se zadeva obrača, vztrajala do konca, do končnega izdelka.
/ I'm glad that, despite the fact that I didn't like the way the whole thing was turning out, I managed to finish it.
In vesela sem, da kljub temu, da mi končni izdelek ni uspel tako, kot sem si ga zamislila (čeprav je popolnoma v moji barvni kombinaciji), da me ni minilo veselje in bom še sigurno naredila kaj podobnega. S Fimom.
/ And I'm glad that, despite the fact that the final result was not as I had imagined it (even though it is so totally in my colours), I still want to go and make another one. With Fimo.
Nekaj polžkov mi je še ostalo. In imam približno idejo, kaj bom z njimi. Mogoče jutri.
/ I've got some more coils left. And I have a vague idea what I'll do with them. Maybe tomorrow.
22 september 2011
20 september 2011
Moje jabolko
Ne samo, da katero ne pade daleč od drevesa, včasih se celo odbije in ga preskoči. (To bi v bistvu morale biti sanje vsakega starša...)
/ Not only that some apples don't fall far from the tree, some of them even bounce back and jump over the tree. (This should actually be every parent's dream...)
Vem, da sem grozna, da stvaritev moje hčere nisem objavila še ko so bile tople od pečice! Sicer pa je bila objava zelo pri vrhu stvari, ki-jih-bom-naredila-takoj-ko-se-delovna-norišnica-poleže. Torej danes. Malo me je k temu spodbodla tudi Klavdija z objavo ene takšne "kulinarične" povezave.
/ I know I'm horrible for not posting my daughter's creations while they were still hot from the oven! But posting this was at the top of the list of things that-I-will-do-as-soon-as-I-finish-my-work-and-start-breathing-again. That is, today, after getting a little additional push from Klavdija when she posted this "culinary" link.
Torej, fast food á la T. (Ko sem videla, kaj je začelo nastajati, me je za trenutek imelo, da bi ji pokazala stran od Noelie, pa sem se zadržala, ker me je zanimalo, kam bo prišla brez zunanjih vplivov.)
/ So here it is - fast food á la T. (As soon as I saw what she is making, I had an urge for a moment to show her Noelia's page, but I stopped myself from doing so because I really wanted to see what she'll do without external influence.)
Preusmerjam pozornost na plasti v hamburgerju in sezamova zrnca na njem. In na vijuge kečapa in gorčice :)
/ Bringing your attention to the layers in the burger and sesame seeds on top of it. And to the waves of ketchup and mustard :)
Preusmerjam pozornost na nariban sir. In skorjico. In polnjeno olivo. In barvo šunke :)
/ Bringing your attention to the grated cheese. And the crust. And to the filled olive. And to the colour of ham :)
Aja, pa še z denarjem. Z enim centom. Tam zgoraj.
/ Oh, yeah. One photo with money. With one cent. Up there.
Je rekla, da bi sadje tudi delala. Pa tortice. In sladolede :)
/ She said she'd like to make some fruit too. And cupcakes. And ice-creams :)
Ne samo, da katero ne pade daleč od drevesa, včasih se celo odbije in ga preskoči. (To bi v bistvu morale biti sanje vsakega starša...)
/ Not only that some apples don't fall far from the tree, some of them even bounce back and jump over the tree. (This should actually be every parent's dream...)
Vem, da sem grozna, da stvaritev moje hčere nisem objavila še ko so bile tople od pečice! Sicer pa je bila objava zelo pri vrhu stvari, ki-jih-bom-naredila-takoj-ko-se-delovna-norišnica-poleže. Torej danes. Malo me je k temu spodbodla tudi Klavdija z objavo ene takšne "kulinarične" povezave.
/ I know I'm horrible for not posting my daughter's creations while they were still hot from the oven! But posting this was at the top of the list of things that-I-will-do-as-soon-as-I-finish-my-work-and-start-breathing-again. That is, today, after getting a little additional push from Klavdija when she posted this "culinary" link.
Torej, fast food á la T. (Ko sem videla, kaj je začelo nastajati, me je za trenutek imelo, da bi ji pokazala stran od Noelie, pa sem se zadržala, ker me je zanimalo, kam bo prišla brez zunanjih vplivov.)
/ So here it is - fast food á la T. (As soon as I saw what she is making, I had an urge for a moment to show her Noelia's page, but I stopped myself from doing so because I really wanted to see what she'll do without external influence.)
Preusmerjam pozornost na plasti v hamburgerju in sezamova zrnca na njem. In na vijuge kečapa in gorčice :)
/ Bringing your attention to the layers in the burger and sesame seeds on top of it. And to the waves of ketchup and mustard :)
Preusmerjam pozornost na nariban sir. In skorjico. In polnjeno olivo. In barvo šunke :)
/ Bringing your attention to the grated cheese. And the crust. And to the filled olive. And to the colour of ham :)
Aja, pa še z denarjem. Z enim centom. Tam zgoraj.
/ Oh, yeah. One photo with money. With one cent. Up there.
Je rekla, da bi sadje tudi delala. Pa tortice. In sladolede :)
/ She said she'd like to make some fruit too. And cupcakes. And ice-creams :)
11 september 2011
Po vrsti
Poročilo o prejšnjem fimo vikendu - po vrsti:
/ A report on the last fimo weekend - one by one:
Najprej edina planirana stvar. Turkizni in modri frtajčki za en bližajoč rojstni dan... Približno podobnost sem dosegla s tem, da sem želene barve sestavila v klobaso, jo narezala na enako debele rezine, oblikovala v kroglice in "sfrtajčkala".
/ First of all, the only planned thing. Turquoise and blue swirlies for an upcoming birthday... I managed to achieve a certain degree of similarity by making a cane, cutting it in slices and turning little balls into swirled lentils.
Ostanek klobase s še vidnim vzorcem - narezan, zložen, povaljan.
/ The remaining piece of the cane with recognisable pattern - cut, placed down, rolled.
Ostanek klobase zvaljan v enotno barvo, žarnica in zobotrebec - tole zveni kot glavne "osebe" neke sprevržene pripovedke :D
/ Cane leftovers rolled into a monochromatic mass, a lightbulb and a toothpick - this sounds pretty much like some twisted fairy-tale :D
Globokomorska... nekaj.
/ A deep-sea... something.
Nato mi je pod roke prišla kepa suhega, strjenega, načeloma neuporabnega fima. Rešitev (in morda namig za še koga): čisto navaden ribež (seveda namenjen samo za fimo!). Suho kepo sem nastrgala in čisto narahlo stisnila v te kroglice bolj naravnega videza. Fimo se je čudežno zmehčal, celo do te mere, da sem morala prav paziti, da nisem kupčka stisnila preveč, ker bi zelo hitro dobila gladko pisano maso.
/ Then I came across a bulk of dry, hardened, pretty much useless fimo. The solution (and maybe a hint for others): a grater (to be used just for fimo of course!). I grated the dry bulk and gently pressed together to make these - more naturally looking - balls. Fimo was miraculously softened, I even had to be extra cautious not to sqeeze it too much as I didn't want it to become too smooth again.
malo mešano: dodelava koščkov od prejšnjega skupinskega fimanja - razrezanke kar tako - preliv in štampiljka - polžki - pomešani ostanki prevaljani z brusnim papirjem - igrarije v sivem
/ a little mix: a bit of further work on the pieces from the last group fimo session - cut-up pieces just so - a blend and a stamp - little snails - mixed scraps rolled out with sanding paper - playing in grey
Krogi in krogci. Barve sicer niso zelo kontrastne, ampak sem šla na pospravljanje ostankov in sem si pač navaljala take odtenke.
/ Circles and smaller circles. The colours are not in strong contrasts though, but I wanted to use up the scraps, so I ended up with such tones.
Pa so me krogi v krogih in krogi na črtah spomnili na krasote naše mojstrice Klavdije. In sem šla poskusit, če znam... Zadovoljna. Sicer se zavedam, da je s hrapavo površino dosti lažje doseči spodoben izgled kot z gladko, ampak sem dobila veselje za še kakšen poskus.
/ Circles in circles and circles on lines - they reminded me of faboulous things made by Klavdija. And I tried some, just to see if a can... Pretty satisfied with the result. I mean, I'm totally aware that it is much easier to achieve good results if I make the surface coarse as opposed to smooth, but I'm definitely willing to try some more.
Že skoraj čisto na koncu sem se šla še malo izživljat :)
/ When I was almost done, I went to stretch myself a bit more :)
Ni se mi zdelo, da bi si te barve puščala še za drugič. Se mi zdi, da bom vsaj tako pa mogoče le prišla do tega, da končno naredim kaj svetlega... Ostanke sem porabila čisto čisto do konca. Bo prišlo prav pri sestavljanju - kot dopolnilo h kateremu od obeskov, po drugi strani pa jih je dovolj za samostojen kos.
/ I didn't want to keep any of these colours for the next time. I think that this is the only chance for me to actually make something in lighter colours for a change - finally... I used up all the scraps, till the last tiny piece. They seem like they'll come handy - as an accompanying element to some of the pendants, but on the other hand, there are enough of them to make something just with them.
Bi človek rekel, da se je seznam stvari, ki bi jih še rada preskusila in naredila, kaj skrajšal. Japajade :)
/ One would think that the list of things I'd still like to try and make has become shorter. Yeah right :)
Poročilo o prejšnjem fimo vikendu - po vrsti:
/ A report on the last fimo weekend - one by one:
Najprej edina planirana stvar. Turkizni in modri frtajčki za en bližajoč rojstni dan... Približno podobnost sem dosegla s tem, da sem želene barve sestavila v klobaso, jo narezala na enako debele rezine, oblikovala v kroglice in "sfrtajčkala".
/ First of all, the only planned thing. Turquoise and blue swirlies for an upcoming birthday... I managed to achieve a certain degree of similarity by making a cane, cutting it in slices and turning little balls into swirled lentils.
Ostanek klobase s še vidnim vzorcem - narezan, zložen, povaljan.
/ The remaining piece of the cane with recognisable pattern - cut, placed down, rolled.
Ostanek klobase zvaljan v enotno barvo, žarnica in zobotrebec - tole zveni kot glavne "osebe" neke sprevržene pripovedke :D
/ Cane leftovers rolled into a monochromatic mass, a lightbulb and a toothpick - this sounds pretty much like some twisted fairy-tale :D
Globokomorska... nekaj.
/ A deep-sea... something.
Nato mi je pod roke prišla kepa suhega, strjenega, načeloma neuporabnega fima. Rešitev (in morda namig za še koga): čisto navaden ribež (seveda namenjen samo za fimo!). Suho kepo sem nastrgala in čisto narahlo stisnila v te kroglice bolj naravnega videza. Fimo se je čudežno zmehčal, celo do te mere, da sem morala prav paziti, da nisem kupčka stisnila preveč, ker bi zelo hitro dobila gladko pisano maso.
/ Then I came across a bulk of dry, hardened, pretty much useless fimo. The solution (and maybe a hint for others): a grater (to be used just for fimo of course!). I grated the dry bulk and gently pressed together to make these - more naturally looking - balls. Fimo was miraculously softened, I even had to be extra cautious not to sqeeze it too much as I didn't want it to become too smooth again.
malo mešano: dodelava koščkov od prejšnjega skupinskega fimanja - razrezanke kar tako - preliv in štampiljka - polžki - pomešani ostanki prevaljani z brusnim papirjem - igrarije v sivem
/ a little mix: a bit of further work on the pieces from the last group fimo session - cut-up pieces just so - a blend and a stamp - little snails - mixed scraps rolled out with sanding paper - playing in grey
Krogi in krogci. Barve sicer niso zelo kontrastne, ampak sem šla na pospravljanje ostankov in sem si pač navaljala take odtenke.
/ Circles and smaller circles. The colours are not in strong contrasts though, but I wanted to use up the scraps, so I ended up with such tones.
Pa so me krogi v krogih in krogi na črtah spomnili na krasote naše mojstrice Klavdije. In sem šla poskusit, če znam... Zadovoljna. Sicer se zavedam, da je s hrapavo površino dosti lažje doseči spodoben izgled kot z gladko, ampak sem dobila veselje za še kakšen poskus.
/ Circles in circles and circles on lines - they reminded me of faboulous things made by Klavdija. And I tried some, just to see if a can... Pretty satisfied with the result. I mean, I'm totally aware that it is much easier to achieve good results if I make the surface coarse as opposed to smooth, but I'm definitely willing to try some more.
Že skoraj čisto na koncu sem se šla še malo izživljat :)
/ When I was almost done, I went to stretch myself a bit more :)
Ni se mi zdelo, da bi si te barve puščala še za drugič. Se mi zdi, da bom vsaj tako pa mogoče le prišla do tega, da končno naredim kaj svetlega... Ostanke sem porabila čisto čisto do konca. Bo prišlo prav pri sestavljanju - kot dopolnilo h kateremu od obeskov, po drugi strani pa jih je dovolj za samostojen kos.
/ I didn't want to keep any of these colours for the next time. I think that this is the only chance for me to actually make something in lighter colours for a change - finally... I used up all the scraps, till the last tiny piece. They seem like they'll come handy - as an accompanying element to some of the pendants, but on the other hand, there are enough of them to make something just with them.
Bi človek rekel, da se je seznam stvari, ki bi jih še rada preskusila in naredila, kaj skrajšal. Japajade :)
/ One would think that the list of things I'd still like to try and make has become shorter. Yeah right :)
10 september 2011
Včerajšnji prost popoldan (In večer. In pol noči.) sem porabila za voščilnice. Poročne. Nekaj po naročilu, nekaj za lastne potrebe, nekaj na zalogo. Fajn je bilo.
/I spent yesterday's afternoon (And evening. And a half of the night.) making cards. Wedding cards. Some of them to give, some to send and some to have in stash. It was nice.
Včerajšnji prost popoldan (In večer. In pol noči.) sem porabila za voščilnice. Poročne. Nekaj po naročilu, nekaj za lastne potrebe, nekaj na zalogo. Fajn je bilo.
/I spent yesterday's afternoon (And evening. And a half of the night.) making cards. Wedding cards. Some of them to give, some to send and some to have in stash. It was nice.
(videno pri Valiti / as seen at Valita's blog)
08 september 2011
Vedno znova
Vedno znova mi jih je užitek delat.
/ Over and over again, I enjoy making them.
Od izbiranja kombinacije, rezanja papirja do razporejanja in lepljenja.
Tudi lakiranje. Čeprav so na otip najbolj fantastične pred lakiranjem.
/ Choosing the combination, cutting the paper, positioning, adhering.
Even varnishing. Even though they feel fantastic to touch before varnishing.
Fajn jih je delat, vsako od njih. Še posebej, ker sem jih do zdaj vedno delala za točno določeno osebo. In je fajn, če lahko imaš med delom prejemnika v mislih :)
/ They are so much fun to make. Especially because until now, I've always made them for a specific person. And it feels so good to have the recipient on your mind while making something for them :)
Moja draga G., upam, da ti bo dobro služila.
/ My dear G., I hope it will be of good use to you.
Vedno znova mi jih je užitek delat.
/ Over and over again, I enjoy making them.
Od izbiranja kombinacije, rezanja papirja do razporejanja in lepljenja.
Tudi lakiranje. Čeprav so na otip najbolj fantastične pred lakiranjem.
/ Choosing the combination, cutting the paper, positioning, adhering.
Even varnishing. Even though they feel fantastic to touch before varnishing.
Fajn jih je delat, vsako od njih. Še posebej, ker sem jih do zdaj vedno delala za točno določeno osebo. In je fajn, če lahko imaš med delom prejemnika v mislih :)
/ They are so much fun to make. Especially because until now, I've always made them for a specific person. And it feels so good to have the recipient on your mind while making something for them :)
Moja draga G., upam, da ti bo dobro služila.
/ My dear G., I hope it will be of good use to you.
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