Ne samo, da katero ne pade daleč od drevesa, včasih se celo odbije in ga preskoči. (To bi v bistvu morale biti sanje vsakega starša...)
/ Not only that some apples don't fall far from the tree, some of them even bounce back and jump over the tree. (This should actually be every parent's dream...)
Vem, da sem grozna, da stvaritev moje hčere nisem objavila še ko so bile tople od pečice! Sicer pa je bila objava zelo pri vrhu stvari, ki-jih-bom-naredila-takoj-ko-se-delovna-norišnica-poleže. Torej danes. Malo me je k temu spodbodla tudi Klavdija z objavo ene takšne "kulinarične" povezave.
/ I know I'm horrible for not posting my daughter's creations while they were still hot from the oven! But posting this was at the top of the list of things that-I-will-do-as-soon-as-I-finish-my-work-and-start-breathing-again. That is, today, after getting a little additional push from Klavdija when she posted this "culinary" link.
Torej, fast food á la T. (Ko sem videla, kaj je začelo nastajati, me je za trenutek imelo, da bi ji pokazala stran od Noelie, pa sem se zadržala, ker me je zanimalo, kam bo prišla brez zunanjih vplivov.)
/ So here it is - fast food á la T. (As soon as I saw what she is making, I had an urge for a moment to show her Noelia's page, but I stopped myself from doing so because I really wanted to see what she'll do without external influence.)
Preusmerjam pozornost na plasti v hamburgerju in sezamova zrnca na njem. In na vijuge kečapa in gorčice :)
/ Bringing your attention to the layers in the burger and sesame seeds on top of it. And to the waves of ketchup and mustard :)
Preusmerjam pozornost na nariban sir. In skorjico. In polnjeno olivo. In barvo šunke :)
/ Bringing your attention to the grated cheese. And the crust. And to the filled olive. And to the colour of ham :)
Aja, pa še z denarjem. Z enim centom. Tam zgoraj.
/ Oh, yeah. One photo with money. With one cent. Up there.
Je rekla, da bi sadje tudi delala. Pa tortice. In sladolede :)
/ She said she'd like to make some fruit too. And cupcakes. And ice-creams :)