Od takrat, ko sem polžke in pikice videla prvič, sem razmišljala, da bi se jih lotila tudi sama. Ko pa sem jih pred kratkim tudi potipala, je bilo edino logično, da bo prva stvar, narejena s pomočjo mojega novega zelenčka, ena takšna oblečena škatla.
/ From the moment I first saw little coils and dots, I've been thinking about trying something similar myself. And when I recently got to touch them as well, it was only logical that the first thing made with my new green extruder was going to be such tin box.
Najprej sem "koncept" preskusila na enem krogcu: špagetki zviti v polžke, vsak drugi zavoj "popikan" s krogličnim pisalom za embosiranje. Vmesni prostorčki zapolnjeni s krajšimi koščki špagetkov.
/ First, I tested the concept on a little fimo circle: I extruded some spaghetti, rolled them into coils and made dots to every other circle by using an embossing stylus. I filled the spaces in between with shorter pieces of the spaghetti.
Na enak način sem najprej oblekla pokrov kovinske škatle, s to razliko, da sem ga najprej pokrila z zelo tanko plastjo svetlega Fima.
/ Then I went and used the same procedure on the lid of the tin box, but before doing so, I covered it with a very thin layer of light-coloured Fimo.
Aja, še to: za špagetke sem se prvič "odlepila" od Fima in preskusila Pardo. Za stiskanje je bil fajn, za dolgotrajnejše delo pa premehek, prepacast, še posebej za take bolj natančne stvari. (Sem bila vmes že tudi na tem, da vse skupaj zabrišem stran...)
/ Oh, and yes: I moved away from Fimo and made the spaghetti by using Pardo for the very first time. It was great for extruding, but too soft for longer work, too squashy, particularly for such delicate things. (While working, I found myself fighting the urge to toss everything away...)
Pokrov sem spekla in ga nataknila na škatlo (kar se je izkazalo za zelo dobro potezo, ker sem samo tako lahko škatlo držala med delom). Tudi škatlo sem najprej obdala s tanko plastjo svetlega fima, potem je pa trajalo kar nekaj časa, da sem na celo površino naložila polžke in zapolnila vse praznine. In napikala vse pike.
/ I baked the lid and put it on the box (which was actually a very good move, because it was the only way to hold the box while working). I covered the box with a thin layer of Fimo as well, and then it took me quite a few hours to cover the entire surface with the coils and fill all the voids. And made all the dots.
In če povzamem v stilu Bradyjevih: Kaj smo se iz tega naučili?
/ And if I summerise everything in words of the Brady bunch: What did we learn from this?
1. Pardo NI uporaben za to. (Njegov potencial vidim v mehurčkanju, ker je prijetno mehek za gnetenje kroglic in ker je po pečenju rahlo perlasto svetlikajoč. In ker mi je nabor barv všeč.
/ 1. Pardo is NOT to be used for this. (I can see its potential in bubbles though, because it is nice and soft for kneading and it has a slightly pearly sheen after baking. And because I like its range of colours.
2. S tanjšimi špagetki je malo več dela in malo dlje traja. (Ja, logično.)
/ 2. Thinner spaghetti take more work and more time. (Well, duh.)
3. Z imitacijo perlic (majhne kroglice mase s piko na sredi) se da fino prikriti spoje, majhne praznine, ponesrečke... Tokrat mi je uspelo le na pokrovu, ker sem imela občutek, da se mi bo na škatli vse samo še bolj spacalo, in sem najprej spekla in šele nato nameravala dodati "perlice". Pa se nepečen Pardo ni hotel prijeti pečenega. Še ena točka v prid - mojemu dragemu - Fimu.
/ 3. Faux seed beads (little balls of Pardo with a little hole in the middle) are great for covering up the joints, little voids, mishaps... This time, it worked well only on the lid, because I had a feeling that if I had done it on the unbaked box, everything would have got even more messed up, so I baked it first and intended to add the "beads" later. But, the unbaked Pardo wouldn't stick to the baked layer. Yet another point to the advantage of - my dear - Fimo.
Vesela sem, da sem kljub temu, da mi že vmes ni bilo všeč, kako se zadeva obrača, vztrajala do konca, do končnega izdelka.
/ I'm glad that, despite the fact that I didn't like the way the whole thing was turning out, I managed to finish it.
In vesela sem, da kljub temu, da mi končni izdelek ni uspel tako, kot sem si ga zamislila (čeprav je popolnoma v moji barvni kombinaciji), da me ni minilo veselje in bom še sigurno naredila kaj podobnega. S Fimom.
/ And I'm glad that, despite the fact that the final result was not as I had imagined it (even though it is so totally in my colours), I still want to go and make another one. With Fimo.
Nekaj polžkov mi je še ostalo. In imam približno idejo, kaj bom z njimi. Mogoče jutri.
/ I've got some more coils left. And I have a vague idea what I'll do with them. Maybe tomorrow.