Iz vsake kroglice sem dobila eno pravokotno ploščico, eno kvadratno ploščico, tri krogce in ostanek. En krogec sem na enem delu stisnila skupaj, tako da sem dobila neke vrste cvetni listič. En krogec sem zvaljala v kroglico. Kvadratni ploščici sem naredila belo "dvojčico".
Mreža na zeleni podlogi je centimetrska.
From each ball, I made a little rectangular plate, a little square plate, three circles and leftovers. I took one circle and pressed it together at one side to make a king of a petal. From another circle, I rolled a little ball. For the square plate, I made a "twin sister".
The green mat has the centimetre grid printed on it.
Ja, iz VSAKE kroglice :)
Yes, from EACH ball :)

Pravokotne ploščice sem spekla, nato pa na eno stran napisala "formule" - razmerja vse treh uporabljenih barv, na drugo pa "koordinate" - številke vrst in stolpcev. Vse ploščice sem prevrtala in nanizala na žico, da bodo ostale skupaj.
I baked the rectangular plates. Then I wrote "formulas" on one side (percentages of all three colours I used) and "coordinates" on the other (numbers of lines and columns). I drilled holes in them and put them on a piece of wire to keep them all together.
Cvetni lističi mi niso uspeli tako, kot sem si zamislila. Ampak dobro, za preizkus koncepta je bilo. Tudi nanizala.
The petals didn't turn out as I thought they should. But OK, just to test the concept. Put them on the wire as well.
Krogce sem spekla in prevrtala na sredini. Idej za nosljivo obliko je že nekaj.
I baked the circles and drilled holes in the centre. A few ideas for the wearable form already there.
Kvadratno ploščico in njeno belo sestrico sem premešala, zvaljala v kroglico in postavila nazaj na ustrezno mesto. Pa sem prej mislila, da nič ne more biti bolj "kjut" :) Ampak te - poleg tega, da so manjše, so še pastelne! Ja, spet sem se borila s prašičkasto skušnjavo...
I took the square plate and her white sister, mixed them together, rolled into a ball and placed on the original spot. And I had thought before that nothing could beat the cuteness :) But these - not only they are smaller, they are also in pastel tones! Yes, I had to fight the piglet temptation once again...
Ampak potem sem jih samo enakomerno stisnila (pokrila s stekleno ploščo, ki sem jo na obeh straneh podstavila enako debelo palčko) in spekla, zdaj pa še čakajo na vrtanje. Kandidatka za eno tako "bonbončkasto" zapestnico se mi je že oglasila.
But then I just pressed them evenly (I covered them with a glass plate after placing two sticks of the same thickness on each side), baked them and now they're waiting for drilling. I already have a candidate for a little "candy" bracelet.
Preostale kroglice sem nekaj časa gledala, zbirala ideje...
I spent some time thinking what to do with the remaining balls...
... nato pa sem jih vse skupaj stresla v ekstruder, naredila pisane špagete in jih zvila v spiralice.
and then I just put them all in the extruder, made colourful spaghetti and rolled them into coils.
Jutri pokažem, kaj sem naredila iz ostankov.
Tomorrow I'll show you what I made from the leftovers.Nataša