05 oktober 2011



Kar tako, brez veliko časa in brez velikih planov. Nekaj črnobelih slikic iz laserskega tiskalnika in fimo plahtice. Zadovoljiv rezultat. Nekateri sicer še rabijo malo obdelave.
/ Just so, without much time and without any grand plans. A few black and white pictures made by a laser printer and rolled out fimo. Satisfactory outcome. Some of them need some finishing touches though.

In če je šlo z vzorčki, sem poskusila še s fotkami. Takimi ravno za današnji dan (četrta obletnica zadnjega koncerta). Ja, saj vem...
As it went well with patterns, I also tried with photos - just the right ones for today (4th anniversary of his last concert). Yes, I know...

In ker je ravno tak dan, jih podarjam. Če vam je kateri všeč, mi samo sporočite do jutri (6.10.2011) do 23:59.
/ And on a day like this, I'm giving them away. If you'd like to have any of them, just let me know by tomorrow (06 Oct 2011) 11:59 p.m.
