Začelo se je običajno - malo se mi je zahotelo polžkat, pa sem kar skupaj pobrala neke koščke, jih stlačila v ekstruder in "gremo"...
Dve napaki.
Prva napaka: moja neučakanost - posledično špagetki niso bili gladki, zato sem vse skupaj zgnetla skupaj in jih naredila še enkrat.
Druga napaka (ki je še potencirala končni rezultat prve): prevelik delež belega fima - kar je na koncu dalo precej neizrazite kontraste in že skoraj "blatne" barve.
/ It all started normally - I wanted to make some coils, and I just scooped up some pieces, stuffed them into the extruder and "here we go"...
Two mistakes.
First mistake: my impatience - resulting in spaghetti that were not smooth enough, so I took everything and extruded it one more time.
Second mistake (which even magnified the first one): too much white Fimo - which made all the colours pretty similar, non-contrasting, almost "muddy".
Moj rešitelj: brusni papir. Polžke sem vseeno zvila, hrapava površina pa jih je naredila zanimive, če že drugega ne.
/ My saviour: sanding paper. I made the coils nevertheless, and their coarse surface at least made them interesting.
Kamenčki bodo verjetno za obeske.
/ The "pebbles" will probably end up as pendants.
V ozadju dva prstana - čisto za test sem ju naredila, pa se že en teden kar dobro držita. Pokažem od bliže, ko naredim še kakšnega.
/ Two rings in the background - I made them solely as a test, but they've turned out quite all right and I've been wearing them for a week now. I'll show them when I make some more.
Pa še polžkasti, sploščeni, valoviti... nekaj :)
/ And coily, flattened, wavy... something :)
Zbiram predloge, kaj naj z njimi...
/ I'm open for suggestions on what to do with them...