10 oktober 2012



Zvijanje polžkov je postala že skoraj standardna zadnja faza vsake moje fimo seanse - včasih so barve špagetkov načrtne, včasih pa čisto naključne ...
Coiling has become more or less a standard final phase of my Fimo sessions - sometimes the spaghetti colours are planned and sometimes totally random ...

In potem jih spečem in spravim v vrečko.In rečem: "Saj bom. Čez čas."
And then I bake them and stash them in a bag. And I say, I'll do it. Eventually.

In ko se jih nabere nekaj rund, jim na sredini navrtam luknjice in jih spravim nazaj v vrečke. In rečem: "Saj bom. Ko bo čas."
And when a few rounds pile up, I drill holes in their centres and stash them back in their bags. And I say, I'll do it. When there's time.

In prejšnji vikend je bil čas.
And last weekend, there was time.

Polžki, laks, perlice, zaključki. Nizanje in prepletanje.
Coils, fishing line, beads, findings. Stringing.

Nekaj krajših, nekaj daljših. Vse precej zabavne :)
Some shorter, some longer. All of them pretty much fun :)

Še tri vrečke so ostale ...
There are three more bags left ...
