Iz znanih "faraonskih" barv sem naredila plahto za škatlo od bonbonov, pa sem se v zadnjem trenutku spomnila, koliko navdušenja je bilo prejšnjič nad temi barvami. In sem namesto ene škatle naredila nekaj več uporabnih kosov.
I took the familiar "pharaoh" colours and wanted to cover another candy box, but in the last moment, I remembered how thrilled people were over these colours the last time. So instead of one box, I made several useful pieces.
Nekaj bleščičastih in štempiljkastih. Ena mehurčkasta. En na tanko razvaljan in namečkan polžek. Tiste v sivih tonih pa so nastale, ko sem si hotela iz črne in bele namešati nekaj odtenkov sive. Pa so nastajali taki vzorci, da jih nisem imela srca pregnest v enobarvne plahtice.
Some with glitter, some with stamps. One with bubbles. One coil, rolled at the thinnest setting and crumpled into shape. The ones in grey tones just kept emerging as I wanted to mix black and white into some shades of grey. And I just couldn't bring myself to keep mixing and destroy these beauties.