Današnja sončna terapija za ostarel, posušen, okamenel Fimo ...
Nekaterim je sončna "kopel" prav dobro dela, drugi se pa niso pustili omehčat - očitno preferirajo bolj fizične metode :)
27 junij 2013
22 junij 2013
Po Anninih navodilih sem teh kuvert naredila že kar nekaj, zdaj pa je spet tak čas v letu, da pridejo prav.
I've already made quite a few of these envelopes following Anne's tutorial, and it is again the time of year when they come in handy.
Prva runda je bila predana že isti dan.
/ The first batch was given away on the same day.
Material je ostal na mizi, zato sem jih v prostem popoldnevu naredila še nekaj - na zalogo.
/ The material was left on the table, so I used a free afternoon to make a few more - to have some at hand.
Stil je (vsaj približno) v isti smeri, ker sem na mizo zvlekla samo omejeno število škatel z materialom.
/ The style is (at least to some extent) similar, because I decided to use supplies from a limited number of boxes.
Še nekaj temnejših.
/ A few more in darker tones.
Po Anninih navodilih sem teh kuvert naredila že kar nekaj, zdaj pa je spet tak čas v letu, da pridejo prav.
I've already made quite a few of these envelopes following Anne's tutorial, and it is again the time of year when they come in handy.
Prva runda je bila predana že isti dan.
/ The first batch was given away on the same day.
Material je ostal na mizi, zato sem jih v prostem popoldnevu naredila še nekaj - na zalogo.
/ The material was left on the table, so I used a free afternoon to make a few more - to have some at hand.
Stil je (vsaj približno) v isti smeri, ker sem na mizo zvlekla samo omejeno število škatel z materialom.
/ The style is (at least to some extent) similar, because I decided to use supplies from a limited number of boxes.
Še nekaj temnejših.
/ A few more in darker tones.
20 junij 2013
Misija "Rdeči uhani"
Smernice so bile: rdeča barva in viseči.
Moji poskusi: eni geometrijski, dvoji vijugasti, eni s pikicami in eni ... hm, taki neki ... azijski ...
Guidelines: red colour and dangling.
My attempts: geometry, serpentines, dots and ... well, hm ... Asia ...
Smernice so bile: rdeča barva in viseči.
Moji poskusi: eni geometrijski, dvoji vijugasti, eni s pikicami in eni ... hm, taki neki ... azijski ...
Guidelines: red colour and dangling.
My attempts: geometry, serpentines, dots and ... well, hm ... Asia ...
18 junij 2013
Iz ostankov in zalog
Kar tako, skoraj odsotno sem prevaljala in pregnetla kupček ostankov, ga nekajkrat prepognila in prerezala ... pa so se kar pokazali uporabni vzorčki.
Pa še spomnila sem se, da imam poldrage kamenčke v takšnih barvah.
Just so, almost absent-mindedly, I rolled and squashed together a pile of scraps, folded it over a few times, made some cuts ... and there they were - pretty useful patterns.
And I remembered I had chips of semi-precious stones in such colours.
Nekaj kupčkov ostankov sem zvaljala v enobarvne plahtice, jih zložila izmenično svetlo-temno, odtisnila vzorčke, odrezala rezine ... pa je bilo kar naenkrat kosov za dve ogrlici.
I rolled some piles of scraps in single coloured sheets, stacked them in turns (light and dark ones), pressed in some patterns, cut off the slices ... and suddenly, there were enough pieces for two necklaces.
In to tako, da imajo vsi kosi vzorec na obeh straneh. In hrapavo strukturo.
Tudi za te sem našla ustrezne kamenčke.
All pieces have patterns on both sides. And coarse surface.
I had matching ships for these as well.
Iz bele, turkizne in vijolične so nastali hrapavi polžki. V zalogah pa so bili koščki školjk z neke morske ogrlice in stekleni kamenčki.
I used white, turquoise and purple fimo to make ragged-edge coils. And I used some pieces of shells and glass chips.
Naletela sem tudi na te školjke. In jih na hitro dala na žico. Taka odštekana je nastala, kot da bi bila od morskega psa v najstniški/disko fazi :)
I also came across these shells. And I quickly put them on some wire, ending up with a funky choker, reminding me of a teenage/disco-loving shark :)
Seznam idej in izzivov se pa nič ne krajša...
And the list of ideas and challenges isn't getting any shorter...
Kar tako, skoraj odsotno sem prevaljala in pregnetla kupček ostankov, ga nekajkrat prepognila in prerezala ... pa so se kar pokazali uporabni vzorčki.
Pa še spomnila sem se, da imam poldrage kamenčke v takšnih barvah.
Just so, almost absent-mindedly, I rolled and squashed together a pile of scraps, folded it over a few times, made some cuts ... and there they were - pretty useful patterns.
And I remembered I had chips of semi-precious stones in such colours.
Nekaj kupčkov ostankov sem zvaljala v enobarvne plahtice, jih zložila izmenično svetlo-temno, odtisnila vzorčke, odrezala rezine ... pa je bilo kar naenkrat kosov za dve ogrlici.
I rolled some piles of scraps in single coloured sheets, stacked them in turns (light and dark ones), pressed in some patterns, cut off the slices ... and suddenly, there were enough pieces for two necklaces.
In to tako, da imajo vsi kosi vzorec na obeh straneh. In hrapavo strukturo.
Tudi za te sem našla ustrezne kamenčke.
All pieces have patterns on both sides. And coarse surface.
I had matching ships for these as well.
Iz bele, turkizne in vijolične so nastali hrapavi polžki. V zalogah pa so bili koščki školjk z neke morske ogrlice in stekleni kamenčki.
I used white, turquoise and purple fimo to make ragged-edge coils. And I used some pieces of shells and glass chips.
Naletela sem tudi na te školjke. In jih na hitro dala na žico. Taka odštekana je nastala, kot da bi bila od morskega psa v najstniški/disko fazi :)
I also came across these shells. And I quickly put them on some wire, ending up with a funky choker, reminding me of a teenage/disco-loving shark :)
Seznam idej in izzivov se pa nič ne krajša...
And the list of ideas and challenges isn't getting any shorter...
17 junij 2013
"Lavindi undi" - Rodovnik rožic
1. Iz ostankov gre v rezine ... (za lažjo nadaljnjo obdelavo vse rezine zvaljane na isto debelino)
1. From scraps to slices ... (all slices rolled at the same thickness setting - for easier handling)
2. ... iz rezin gre v speštanko ... (Stroppel Cane, tokrat z belo, rezultat mi ni dovolj všeč, zato naslednji korak)
2. ... from slices to a "squishy" ... (Stroppel Cane, this time with white, I don't like the result that much, therefore the next step)
3. ... iz speštanke gre v špagete ... (logična posledica, barve zelo prave)
3. ... from the squishy to spaghetti ... (logical next step, I love the colours)
4. ... iz špagetov gre v polžke ... (tiste s hrapavimi robovi)
4. ... from spaghetti to coils ... (those with ragged edges)
5. ... iz polžkov gre v rož'ce. (trenuten preblisk, takojšnja izvedba)
5. ... from coils to flowers. (a strike of idea, had to do it at once)
6. Pri nizanju porabimo rožice in njihove "okvirčke".
6. Both flowers and the cut-out remains are used.
7. Niso zbrušene, niso spolirane, niso lakirane, ampak meni so fajne
7. No sanding, no buffing, no polishing, but I like them
8. Še enkrat končna verzija - z dodanimi kamenčki leopardji jaspis)
8. The final version once again - with added chips of Leopard Skin Jasper
* Pa še za tiste, ki ne vedo čisto, kaj bi z naslovom: Tomaž Pengov - Rodovnik vina
16 junij 2013
"Stroppel Cane" - prvi poskus
Med pospravljanjem ostankov preteklih fimarij se je z različnih kupov nabralo kar nekaj pisanih koščkov, ki so kar klicali, da prvič poskusim "Stroppel Cane". (Ne morem verjet, da sem čakala tako dolgo.)
/ While cleaning up the remains of earlier fimo-sessions, I ended up with quite a lot of colourful scraps from different piles, inviting me to try the "Stroppel Cane" for the first time. (I can't believe I've waited so long to do it.)
Prvi trak je šel na leseno zapestnico. Nekako se ne morem pripravit, da bi jih cele oblekla v Fimo, mi je fajn, če ostane občutek lesa...
/ I put the first strip was on a wooden bangle blank. Somehow I just can't bring myself to cover the entire blank in Fimo, I like the feel of the wood on the inside...
Materiala je ostalo dovolj še za eno pločevinasto škatlo. Pri pokrovu sem poskusila iti malo dlje in doseči prepleten videz. Vse skupaj je sicer izpadlo malo temno, ampak glede na to, da je bilo narejeno popolnoma neplansko, sem kar zadovoljna.
/ There was enough material left to cover another candy box. When covering the lid, I tried to go a bit further and to achieve a woven pattern. The entire result was a bit dark, but considering the fact that I did everything without any plans whatsoever, I'm quite pleased with it.
Med pospravljanjem ostankov preteklih fimarij se je z različnih kupov nabralo kar nekaj pisanih koščkov, ki so kar klicali, da prvič poskusim "Stroppel Cane". (Ne morem verjet, da sem čakala tako dolgo.)
/ While cleaning up the remains of earlier fimo-sessions, I ended up with quite a lot of colourful scraps from different piles, inviting me to try the "Stroppel Cane" for the first time. (I can't believe I've waited so long to do it.)
Prvi trak je šel na leseno zapestnico. Nekako se ne morem pripravit, da bi jih cele oblekla v Fimo, mi je fajn, če ostane občutek lesa...
/ I put the first strip was on a wooden bangle blank. Somehow I just can't bring myself to cover the entire blank in Fimo, I like the feel of the wood on the inside...
Materiala je ostalo dovolj še za eno pločevinasto škatlo. Pri pokrovu sem poskusila iti malo dlje in doseči prepleten videz. Vse skupaj je sicer izpadlo malo temno, ampak glede na to, da je bilo narejeno popolnoma neplansko, sem kar zadovoljna.
/ There was enough material left to cover another candy box. When covering the lid, I tried to go a bit further and to achieve a woven pattern. The entire result was a bit dark, but considering the fact that I did everything without any plans whatsoever, I'm quite pleased with it.
02 junij 2013
Zapestnica in še kaj
Med shranjenimi koščki sem našla ploščice mavrice (nekoliko temnejše), namešane še v aprilu (na prvi sliki zadaj).
Among the saved pieces, I found little sheets of rainbow shades (a bit darker), mixed back in April (first photo, at the back).
Pa sem izmerila obseg lesene osnove zapestnice, naložila proge do prave dolžine, dodala pikice in iz ostankov, odrezanih na obeh straneh, naredila še polžke. Iz najtanjših špagetkov za na zapestnico...
So I measured the circumference of a wooden bracelet blank, stacked the colours up to the right length, added some dots, cut off the excess clay on both sides, and used it for coils. Those from the thinnest spaghetti for the bracelet...

...in iz "normalnih" tiste s hrapavimi robovi (po teh navodilih).
...and from the "normal" ones, those with ragged edges (following this tutorial).

Med shranjenimi koščki sem našla ploščice mavrice (nekoliko temnejše), namešane še v aprilu (na prvi sliki zadaj).
Among the saved pieces, I found little sheets of rainbow shades (a bit darker), mixed back in April (first photo, at the back).
Pa sem izmerila obseg lesene osnove zapestnice, naložila proge do prave dolžine, dodala pikice in iz ostankov, odrezanih na obeh straneh, naredila še polžke. Iz najtanjših špagetkov za na zapestnico...
So I measured the circumference of a wooden bracelet blank, stacked the colours up to the right length, added some dots, cut off the excess clay on both sides, and used it for coils. Those from the thinnest spaghetti for the bracelet...

...in iz "normalnih" tiste s hrapavimi robovi (po teh navodilih).
...and from the "normal" ones, those with ragged edges (following this tutorial).

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