09 februar 2010

Osemnajst je veliko


Ne, ni otrok star osemnajst. Otrok ima sedemnajst sošolcev in razredničarko. In "v šolo se ne nosi torte". No, letos se jo bo neslo. Osemnajst kosov.
/ No, eighteen is not the child's age. The child has seventeen classmates and a teacher. And "we don't bring a cake to school". Well, this year we do. Eighteen pieces.

Nena, hvala za idejo! / Nena, thanks for the idea!

Zrisano (iz mojih zaprašenih spominov sem potegnila toliko geometrije, da sem si narisala, kakšen mora biti en kos, da jih bo šlo osemnajst v krog, in kako se ga spremeni v uporabno škatlo).
/ Designed (I pulled just the right amount of geometry from my dusty memories to draw what one piece should be like if I need eighteen of them, and how to turn it to a useful box).

Izrezano in prepognjeno.
/ Cut and folded.

Poštempljano. Ker se mi je zdel bel gladek bisernat karton dobra izbira, sem pri štempljanju ostala pri črnem StazOnu - toliko da so na vsaki škatlici tri miške, nekaj rožic in obdarovalkino ime.
/ Stamped. The smooth white pearly cardboard seemed a good choice, so I didn't go beyond black StazOn when stamping the images - I just gave each box three little mice, a few flowers and the birthday girl's name.

/ Embellished.

/ Glued together.

/ Eighteen times.

Navdušenje v očkah je naboljše in največje plačilo...
/ The excitement in little eyes is the best and the greatest pay...