Kljub vsemu dogajanju in vsemu drugemu delu nekako nisem mogla, da bi današnji dan minil brez ene same voščilnice. Pa sem šla mimo rdeče, bele in roza, mimo odtiskov, mimo bleščic, kristalčkov in biserčkov, celo mimo trakcev in gumbov. Pa še srčki niso čisto standardne oblike. Navdih za postavitev sem dobila pri Ali Edwards, izrezala sem 25 srčkov iz različnih ostankov SB papirjev, malo pomerila, malo označila in jih s 3D blazinicami razporedila po osnovi iz ekokartona. Tudi pisala nisem nič nanjo. Tisti, ki ve, ve tudi brez besed...
Upam, da ste preživeli lep dan.
Despite all the things happening and all other things to do, I just couldn't let this day pass without me making a single card. So I went pass the red, white an pink colour, pass all the stamed images, pass the glitter, rhinestones, pearls, even pass the ribbons and buttons. And the hearts don't have the standard shape neither. I got the inspiration from Ali Edwards, I punched 25 hearts from different scraps of SB paper, did some measuring and some positioning, and placed them on a eco-cardstock base using 3D foam squares. I chose not to write any sentiments. He who knows, knows it without any words being said...
I hope you had a nice day.