30 oktober 2007
Kar cel komplet
Včeraj sem kar ostala v mojem kotičku - malo sem spremenila vogalčke, potem pa je nastal kar komplet desetih. Običajno se bolj posvečam ustvarjanju vsakič nove voščilnice, ampak včasih pa kar prija, če si lahko pripravim papirje in trakce in okraske, potem pa jih preprosto sestavim po vzorcu, ne da bi vsakič morala presojati, ali gredo barve in motiv skupaj, ali bo trakec spodaj ali zgoraj, kaj bo pisalo... In medtem v mislih že kombiniram novo voščilnico.
Yesterday I spent quite some more time working on the cards - I changed the corners a little bit, and then I ended up with a set of ten. I usually dedicate most of my time and effort to creating unique cards, but sometimes it feels good to be able to prepare paper and ribbons and embellishments, and simply assemble them without having to judge whether the colors will match the motif, where the ribbon should be, what kind of saying will be appropriate... And in the meantime, I'm creating a new card in my mind.
29 oktober 2007
Je bil že čas...
...da tudi jaz začnem z letošnjimi voščilnicami za december! Ker bosta ta dva meseca tako hitro naokoli. In za letos imam neko prav posebno veselje... Bom še objavljala, kar bo nastajalo.
Zdaj grem pa naredit še eno za pojutrišnjem.
...that I started making this year's cards for the December holidays! Because these two months will fly by so fast. And I can feel I'll be creating with some particular delight this year ... I promise I'll post every new card I make.
And now I'm off to make one for the day after tomorrow.
26 oktober 2007
Za moje bivše sodelavce
Te medvedke iz FIMO mase sem naredila za poslovilna darila mojim sodelavcem, s katerimi sem delala več kot deset let. Danes pa je ravno pravi dan, da jih malo pozdravim in jim zaželim prijeten naslednji teden. Napolnite si baterije, dragi moji, in lepo se imejte!
I made these little teddy bears of FIMO polymer clay as a farewell gift for my co-workers, after I had worked with them for a little bit more than ten years. And today is just the right day to say 'hi' to them and to wish them a pleasant next week. Refill your batteries, folks, and have fun!
24 oktober 2007
Danes pa ni voščilnica
Saj je bil že skrajni čas, da objavim še kaj drugega! In glede na to, da mi gre zaloga "objavljivih" voščilnic proti koncu, za nove pa še zbiram ideje in materiale, so zvezda današnjega dne te majhne torbice - obeski za ključe. Spletene so iz pisanih ostankov volne, dodani so najrazličnejši gumbki, perlice in okraski, in seveda obroček za ključ. Preprosto, majhno in luškano, vem pa, da sem še zeloooo daleč od takihle "frajerjev".
It was about time to post something else apart from cards, wasn't it? And considering the fact that the pile of my "postable" cards is getting smaller, and I'm still gathering ideas and material for the new ones, the star of today's post are these small handbags aka key rings. I knit them using wool leftovers, then I added all kinds of buttons, beads and embellishments, and the key ring of course. Simple, small and cute, but I know I've got a loooong way to go to make such great little guys like these.
19 oktober 2007
17 oktober 2007
16 oktober 2007
12 oktober 2007
Morje, morje
Spet je nek tak dan, da si želim, da bi me zbudili zvoki valov, da bi šla na jutranji sprehod ob obali, da bi se z mojega balkona videlo samo modre daljave... Pa galebi, školjke, čolnički, umirjeno življenje brez mnogih turistov. Ko bom velika, bom živela na morju. Do takrat pa bom tu in tam naredila voščilnico z morskim motivom :)
It's one of those days again that I wish I could be woken by the sounds of the sea, that I could go for a morning walk along the shore, that the only thign to see from my balcony would be the great blue... And the seagulls, the shells, little boats, peaceful life without many tourists. When I grow up, I'll live at the seaside. Until then, I'm going to make a card with sea motives from time to time :)
11 oktober 2007
09 oktober 2007
Ti si moj sonček
Ko sem se začela malo bolj resno ukvarjati z voščilnicami, mi je kolegica rekla: "Same take neke umirjene in temne barve imaš. Naredi nekaj rumenega, oranžnega - to bo zame!"
Nekaj takega kot tale.
When I got more serious about making cards, a colleague of mine said to me: "All your cards are too dark, too calm for my taste. Make a yellow and orange one - that would be for me!"
Like this one.
06 oktober 2007
Vse najboljše!
Od danes je naša družina čisto malo večja - Lan, dobrodošel med nami! Tebi, mamici in atiju želimo vse naj naj naj. Takšna čestitka, samo v modrih odtenkih, že potuje k tebi.
Our family got a little bigger today - Lan, welcome among us! We wish you, your Mommy and Daddy all the best! And a card like this one (in blue tones) is coming your way already.
p.s. Pa da ne pozabim: vsi izdelovalci voščilnic, vse najboljše ob našem svetovnem dnevu! Bodite še naprej ustvarjalni in bodite srečni! / All the card makers out there, have a great World Card Making Day! Stay creative and be happy!
05 oktober 2007
Mornar ali gusar ... ali pa tudi ne
04 oktober 2007
Taka najstniška...
Nekje sem videla štempiljko z napisom "Vse najboljše za rojstni dan" (v angleščini), pa sem rekla: saj to bi pa znala tudi jaz. In sem si naredila celo serijo takih prijaznih stavkov. Potem jih pa kombiniram še s slikicami - glede na idejo v besedilu. Jih je še kar nekaj na zalogi, pridite še kaj pogledat.
I saw a rubber stamp saying "Happy Birthday" and I said, I could do that. And I made a whole series of sweet and kind sayings (this one is saying something like "You give me butterflies"). Now I can combine them with the motives and colours - according to the text. There are quite a few more where this one came from - come and check it out.
03 oktober 2007
02 oktober 2007
Sončnice za mojo mamo
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