Včeraj sem kar ostala v mojem kotičku - malo sem spremenila vogalčke, potem pa je nastal kar komplet desetih. Običajno se bolj posvečam ustvarjanju vsakič nove voščilnice, ampak včasih pa kar prija, če si lahko pripravim papirje in trakce in okraske, potem pa jih preprosto sestavim po vzorcu, ne da bi vsakič morala presojati, ali gredo barve in motiv skupaj, ali bo trakec spodaj ali zgoraj, kaj bo pisalo... In medtem v mislih že kombiniram novo voščilnico.
Yesterday I spent quite some more time working on the cards - I changed the corners a little bit, and then I ended up with a set of ten. I usually dedicate most of my time and effort to creating unique cards, but sometimes it feels good to be able to prepare paper and ribbons and embellishments, and simply assemble them without having to judge whether the colors will match the motif, where the ribbon should be, what kind of saying will be appropriate... And in the meantime, I'm creating a new card in my mind.